The Co-operative University of Kenya

Grave Mistakes Students Make When They Join University

By Daniel Muinde Due to the copious amount of freedom and latitude to make choices, many students in the university fall into the trap of the following mistakes: Forgetting about God It is incredible how spirit-filled and God-Oriented students matriculate into the university and wonder how they misplace God in their equation of life at the cost of the pleasures and pressures of the university. At the onset of their stay in the university, most students seriously attend spiritual forums such as the Christian Union and are committed to its activities. Sooner or later, some students equate God with a raincoat, which is only used during the rainy season. During the tough times and climes of adversity. Importantly, students should prioritize God in their lives and their daily endeavors; never should He be an option. Poor Time Management Henrik- Jan van der aptly states, “Time is the scarcest resource in any organisation. Unlike money, it passes with every second and you’ll never be able to earn it back.” Besides the stipulated class schedule, many students lack personal schedules. They easily flow with the current of available activities. Commonly, they respond to tasks on the verge of deadlines. Precisely put, they are not goal-oriented. A goal-oriented and planned student sets aside time for study, social interaction, spiritual growth, and leisure. One should pen down activities scheduled for the next day each night before sleeping, not forgetting their order and the time allocated for each activity. Falling under the Trap of Peer Pressure Lack of self-principles makes students fall to the whims of peer pressure. What your friends are doing may be correct, but what they are doing is essential to you now. Is it urgent? Here comes the vast difference between you and your peers; a priority to self may not be a priority to a friend. Students should set their priorities right and align their activities to the order of importance and urgency to battle being carried away by the negative influence of peer pressure. Remember, it may be essential but not a priority. Decide the course you want your life to take and use it as a road map. Never be a feather that can be blown in any direction. Cohabiting Here comes the deadlock. The dilemma of this and that, especially this. Is it right or not? Scrutinising the outstanding text by Robert T. Kiyosaki, “Why ‘A’ Students Work for ‘C’ Students and ‘B’ Students for the Government,” you will find out that life has 3 Windows (phases) of learning:  First Window: Birth to age 12, Second Window: Age 12 to 24, and Third Window: Age 24 to 36. The second window is called the ‘rebelling window.’ University students fall under this age bracket. Majorly students know with certainty that God designed sex for a married couple but still object to that fact. Curiosity takes the better part of them, involving them in life accidents, which at times result in the traffic of life casualties. The best alternative is clad in self-control. Be guided by self-principles. Drug and Substance Abuse Born omnivores, but competing with herbivores. Khat and the likes, of what help are they? Sniffing and injecting non-medicinal drugs, of what help are they? I partially ‘concur’ that there may be a slight feeling of satisfaction, but only temporal. It is common for students to attend mega parties during weekends to steam off, but others overdo it in the process. Consuming alcoholic drinks and other substances causes more harm to the body than help. Drugs interfere with your mental ability and potential. Laziness and Lassitude Some students busy their bodies with immense laziness as if gifted. Maintaining high standards of hygiene is just an issue. Others get tired even before starting a task or an assignment. Such are usually readily available to cling to others, benefiting from other student’s hard work. Such students never want to tire their brains with thinking, which is highly classified as hard work. The contributor is a public speaker and a BSc. Banking and Finance student at The Co-operative University of Kenya.

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Courtesy Call: WETCU Delegation from Tanzania

By Meshack Ngangi Tanzania’s Western Zone Tobacco Growers Co-operative Union (WETCU) delegation of Board Members led by Hamza Rajabu Kitunga today paid a courtesy visit to The Co-operative University of Kenya (CUK) on their benchmarking trip within the Ministry of Co-operatives and MSMEs Development. The WETCU team was accompanied by Mr. Henry Mwangi and Ibrahim Gichuki, officials from the Ministry’s State Department of Co-operatives. The Institute of Co-operative Development Director, Prof. Wycliffe Oboka, and the Agri and Co-operative Training and Consultancy Services Ltd. (ATC) representative, Dr. Moses Gweyi, attended the welcoming event. The University management, led by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Kamau Ngamau, and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Academic, Co-operative Development, Research, and Innovation, Prof. Isaac Nyamongo, hosted the WETCU delegation of co-operators and discussed the areas of collaboration between the two organizations. The discourse for the day was grounded on the necessity of realizing Principle 6 of the Co-operatives, which is cooperation among co-operatives. The Co-operative University of Kenya has underscored its role in revolutionalising and sustaining Kenya’s co-operative movement through quality education, training, research, and innovation and empowering communities through outreach for socio-economic transformation.  “The University through the Kenya Rural Transformation Centres Digital Platform (KRTCDP), a project funded by the African Development Bank (AfDB), has made efforts to bolster farmer co-operatives in Nakuru, Narok, and Baringo counties, which represents the first phase of the project’s implementation,” Prof. Isaac Nyamongo. The attainment of the KRTCDP project deliverables targets strategic value chains of maize, Irish potatoes, and dairy, which are critical to the economic empowerment of the people at the bottom of the economic pyramid. These efforts represent the crucial concern for the University’s collaboration with partners in the co-operative movement, especially the Ministry of Co-operatives and MSMEs Development, financial institutions, and international bodies, including the United States Overseas Co-operative Development Council (OCDC), in realizing our mission. Prof. Oboka, the Director of the Institute of Co-operative Development (ICD), remarked on the crucial role the University continues to play through his institute’s programs. The ICD’s short courses are intended to retool, update, and upgrade the knowledge and skill endowment of the officers and board members, and Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) serving the co-operative sectors in the national government, devolved/county governments and Savings and Credit Co-operative entities.   Dr. Moses Gweyi, the ATC’s representative and a lecturer in the School of Co-operative and Community Development (SCCD), expressed the pivotal role research has played in aiding the growth and development of Kenya’s co-operative sector. This research function of ATC can be owed to the seamless functioning of the University’s consultancy arm, the Agri and Co-operative Training and Consultancy Services Ltd. (ATC). Since its establishment in July 2004, the ATC has been an active player in Kenya’s and regional private sector development in agriculture by providing quality training and consultancy services in agribusiness, co-operative rural development, and associated sectors of the economy. 

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SGC Inauguration Ceremony: Passing on Leadership Baton

By Meshack Ngangi April 11, 2024, was marked by a spectacular event with the Student Governing Council’s inauguration that was nothing short of pomp, colour, and style that alluded to the theme of the day’s oathing ceremony for the new team assuming office. This symbolic and democratic annual event depicted the central part of The Co-operative University of Kenya’s Student Union (CUKSU) constitution and the University’s deliberate initiative to uphold the rule of law stipulated in the regulations that govern every organ.  The April 2024 exchange of leadership baton from Mr. Amos Kamotho and his exiting SGC to Mr. Newton Kipleting and the newly sworn-in team presented a new phase in the institution’s student governance history. The Student Union President Emeritus Amos Kamotho described the exceptional function the University, through its management, has performed in shaping the academic experience at The Co-operative University of Kenya. Also, in his farewell address as the retiring student president, he alluded to the dedication, unwavering support, and expertise the university staff have invested in nurturing students who have blended into a superior educational experience that meets and exceeds expectations. The 2023/2024 Student Governing Council, through their Chairperson, enumerated strategic but rather countless efforts the office of the Dean of Students has made in making student life at CUK an admirable and fulfilling “voyage” in the ocean of academic immersion. 

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Cultural Week and Crowning of Mr & Miss CUK 2024/2025

By Meshack Ngangi Showcasing cultural genres of dance, art, music, sporting activities, fashion, and modeling in the 2024 cultural week festivals formed the backbone of the integration mechanisms that The Co-operative University of Kenya deploys in fostering unity in diversity. Students and staff from diverse cultural backgrounds accessed a platform to depict their unique performances in the spirit of this year’s Cultural Week theme, celebrating cohesion in our cultural diversity. The intra-institution interactions during this cultural fest boosted staff-student cooperation, as evident in the performances’ synergy, vibe, and fun unfolding. The joy, unity, beauty, and creativity of diversity were witnessed through expressive language, including the beauty pageantry contest that went down on March 1, 2024, at Carnivore Grounds, Nairobi. The Co-operative University of Kenya’s multicultural setting enriches cultural diversity and integration manifested in synchronized, unique institutional and corporate identity. The Cultural Week 2024 inter-cultural interactions boosted the University’s appreciation of Kenya’s cultures and strengthened statesmanship, spirit, and national cohesion. This annual event occurs with the principal goal of bolstering constructive inter-cultural intermingling. The coronation of Mr. and Miss Co-operative University 2024/2025, Victor Saenyi and Vanessa Handas, respectively, is a perfect recap for March student activities that are vivid and bring to life the memories of the cultural week 2024.  

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Conquerors of the 2024 Music Festivals: The Chosen Choir

By Mary Mbugua and Meshack Ngangi The Co-operative University of Kenya’s “The Chosen” Choir soared to the heights of victory, leaving an indelible mark at the 3rd Kenya Universities Performing Arts Association (KUPAA) national music, dance, and elocution festivals held between Sunday, March 17, and Friday, March 22, 2024, at Technical University of Mombasa. The highly contested battle of vocals and melodies featured 32 competing institutions of higher learning that presented performances that were nothing short of breathtaking, captivating audiences with their harmonies, passion, and talent. The music, dance, and elocution performances reiterated the festival’s theme, advocating for social responsibility through performing music, dance, and elocution. Among the items performed was the winning patriotic composition “Mkenya Daima,” a class the The Chosen Choir has scooped the winner’s award for two consecutive years. Also, the duet ‘Flowers’ emerged as the first runners-up and the Kenya National Anthem won the second runners-up trophy. Other performances included an arrangement of an African song titled ‘Wanalande,’ a zilizopendwa gospel arrangement ‘Umenibeba.’ An American negro spiritual ‘The Battle of Jericho,’ ‘Then Sings My Soul,’ the East African Community (EAC) anthem, disk jockey (DJ), karaoke, and a solo verse. Harnessing talent is among the University’s top priorities in preparing holistic and competent graduates for the booming creative digital economy.

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GDSC Students Undertake Robotic Process Automation (RPA) & AI Workshop

By Meshack Ngangi On Friday, March 22, 2024, our Google Development Student Club (GDSC) members in the School of Computing and Mathematics (SCM) undertook a mentorship workshop on Robotics Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in reshaping the future of work from industry experts. The CUK’s Google Development Students Club lead, Ruth B. Kwara, a second-year BSc, co-organized this impactful and insightful one-day training workshop. Computer Science student, the Dean of Students, the School of Computing and Mathematics, and the office of the Public Relations Officer. The collaborative efforts and industry exposure the University offers to the students prove an effective way of inducing learners to the real-life situations that are reshaping the job industry in the contemporary digital era. Doris Ratego, Safaricom PLC automation engineer; Jonathan M. Gichohi, an intelligence automation and RPA professional at Jubilee Insurance; and Jeff Ng’ang’a, the Lead PRA Developer at Pwani Oil Group, upskilled our students on industry practices that harness the potential of robotics process automation integrating the core elements of Artificial Intelligence. The University’s resolve to support experiential learning is a significant concern in keeping the competitive edge and achieving the mission of producing competent human capital through quality education, training, research, and innovation, as well as empowering communities through outreach for socio-economic transformation.    

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