Co-operative University D.V.CS Sign Performance Contracts

The three Deputy Vice Chancellors in charge of various divisions of The Co-operative University of Kenya (CUK) have signed their Annual Performance Contracts with the CUK’s Ag. Vice Chancellor Prof. Kamau Ngamau for the FY 2017/18. These performance targets are cascaded from the University’s annual PC target signed by the Education Cabinet Secretary representing the Ministry Of Education and the University Council.

Ag. Vice chancellor Prof. Kamau Ngamau, Prof. Isaac Nyamongo,DVC division of Co-operative Development, Research and Innovation

The Co-operative University’s Ag. Vice chancellor Prof. Kamau Ngamau noted that these preface targets were derived from the University’s ambitious 5- Year Strategic Plan launched on 1st December 2017. He encouraged the Deputy Vice Chancellors to ensure that these targets are achieved by the end of the Performance Contracting period. He reiterated that if the CUK’s Mission and Vision have to be achieved, performance must be the hallmark. Prof. Ngamau noted that the quarterly performance reports from the divisions were at per with the expected targets. He advised that moving forward, the mid-year performance reports and evaluation needed to resonate with the quarterly performance reports.

The three divisions at the University include the Division of Finance, Planning and Administration headed by Prof. Esther Magiri, the division of Academic Affairs headed by Prof. Emily Akuno and the division of Co-operative Development, Research and Innovation headed by Prof. Isaac Nyamongo. The signing was witnessed by the Registrars, Chris Kathoka, David Otiende, and Dr. Lydia Mutua respectively and the officer in charge of performance contracting Mr. Anthony Kibunyi. The signing of the performance contracts took place at the university’s main campus in Karen on 15th February, 2018.

Co-operative University  Vice chancellor
Ag. Vice chancellor Co-operative University Prof. Kamau Ngamau,Prof. Esther Magiri,DVC Division of Finance, Planning and Administration

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