1. How do I enrol in IODeL CUK

Visit for all the information you need to start learning with us.


  1. How can I get my CUK student email

-Go to

-Under Quick Links, click on ‘Ujumbe’

-Enter your registration number and press ‘enter’. Your student email address and password will be displayed

  1. How do I get my eLearning log in credentials

-Go to

-Under University Notice Board, click on Link for Registration for eLearning LMS Login Credentias, fill the form with the correct information and submit. Your credentials will be sent to your student email.

  1. How do I access my CUK student portal

-Go to

-Under ‘Students’ click on ‘Student Portal’ and log in.

  1. How do I ensure that I am fully registered as an eLearning student at CUK

-Pay the complete school fees for the units you are taking.

-Book your units on the student portal.

-Complete finance registration

  1. How can I know and communicate with my lecturer

-Log in to

-Search and open the subject unit, on the left side of the page, click on participants, then click on the participant whose role is defined as ‘Teacher/Manager’. Their information will be displayed.

  1. How do I access my results after sitting for exams
  • Log in to the student portal and click on ‘Results’


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