Home » Publications
Prof. Isaac K. Nyamongo
- Practicing provider-initiated HIV testing in high prevalence settings: consent concerns and missed preventive opportunities. Mercy K Njeru, Astrid Blystad, Elizabeth H Shayo, Isaac K Nyamongo and Knut Fylkesnes,http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6963/11/87
- Malaria Vector Species Distribution and Seasonal Population Dynamics across Varied Ecological Zones in Baringo County, Kenya. Isabella M. Ondiba, Florence A. Oyieke, Alfred O. Ochieng, Douglas N. Anyona, Isaac K. Nyamongo, Benson B.A. Estambale,http://biopublisher.ca/index.php/jmr/article/view/3342
- The socio-economic burden of human African trypanosomiasis and the coping strategies of households in the South Western Kenya foci. Salome A. Bukachi, Simiyu Wandibba and Isaac K. Nyamongo,https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0006002
Prof. Kennedy Munyua Waweru
- International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies,30/04/2017,Vol. 6 No. 3 pp 39 – 50,http://www.ssbfnet.com/ojs/index.php/ijfbs/article/view/691/315
- International Journal of Business and Management,26/03/2017,Vol. 12 No. 4. pp 178 – 185,http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ijbm/article/view/66454/36484
- Journal of Business Studies Quarterly,31/03/2017,Vol. 8, No 3 pp 52-64,http://jbsq.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/March_2017_3.pdf
- International Journal of Economics and Finance,25/02/2017,Vol. 9, No. 3 pp 257-265,http://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ijef/article/view/66323/36090
- Journal of Economics and Finance,31/08/2016,Vol 7, No. 4 pp 72 – 83,http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jef/papers/Vol7-Issue4/Version-1/H0704017283.pdf
- Journal of Finance and Accounting,23/07/2016,Vol 4 No 4 pp 225-233,http://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.jfa.20160404.18.pdf
- Journal of Business Studies Quarterly,31/12/2015,Vol 7, No. 2 pp 2-10,http://jbsq.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/December_2015_1.pdf
- Journal of Business Studies Quarterly,31/12/2015,Vol 7, No. 2 pp 221 – 230,http://jbsq.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/December_2015_15.pdf
- Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing,30/09/2012,Vol. 8(9) pp 1371-1380,www.davidpublisher.org
- International Journal of Business and Management,16/08/2012,Vol. 7(16) pp 119-124,http://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ijbm/article/download/16810/13025
- Journal of Business Studies Quarterly,30/06/2012,Vol. 3 (4) pp 105 – 118.,http://jbsq.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/JBSQ_june2012_8.pdf
- Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences,29/02/2012,Vol. 3(1) pp 7 – 14,https://www.questia.com/read/1P3-3112333321/cross-listing-and-dividend-policy-evidence-from-cross
- Journal of Business Studies Quartely,31/10/2011,Vol.2 (4) pp.17 – 26,http://jbsq.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Sep-2011-2.pdf
- Journal of Research in International Business and Management,14/07/2011,Vol. 1(5) pp 119 – 123,http://www.interesjournals.org/full-articles/an-investigation-into-the-cash-balance- management-challenges-in-saving-and-credit-cooperative-societies-saccos-in-nakuru-county-kenya.pdf?view=inline
- International Journal of Business and Public Management,22/04/2011,Vol. 1 No.1: 44-59,http://journals.mku.ac.ke
Dr. James N Ndegwa
- Testing of Consistent Trends in Stock Performance in the Nairobi Securities Exchange,March 2015,1st Conference, pp. 212-221,DBA Africa Management Review, ISSN 2224-2023
- Prediction of Consistent Stock Performance and Low Stock Price Movement in Nairobi Securities Exchange using Underlying Firm Characteristics,September 2015,Vol.5, No.1pp, 13 -20,DBA Africa Management Review, ISSN 2224-2023
Mr. Moses Ochieng Gweyi
- Determinants of Leverage of Savings and Credit Co-Operatives in Kenya: An Empirical Approach,http://www.ijbcnet.com/2-10/IJBC-13-2911.pdf
- Effect of Financial Leverage on Financial Performance of Deposit Taking Savings and Credit Co-operative in Kenya,http://hrmars.com/hrmars_papers/Article_19_Effect_of_Financial_Leverage_on_Financial_Performance.pdf
- Analysis of the determinants on Retirement Planning in Kenya: A Survey of registered pension schemes in Nairobi,http://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/RJFA/article/viewFile/19961/20489
- Credit Risk Mitigation Strategies Adopted By Commercial Banks in Kenya,http://ijbssnet.com/journals/Vol_4_No_6_June_2013/9.pdf
- An Investigation of the Impact of Co-Operative Movement in Rural Development in Kenya,http://www.ijbcnet.com/3-2/IJBC-13-21003.pdf
Mr. Ronald Ojino
- Journal of eLearning and Knowledge Society :Mobile Applications in University Education: the case of Kenya,http://www.je-lks.org/ojs/index.php/Je-LKS_EN/article/view/1369
- Journal of eLearning and Knowledge Society : The Quality of Kenyan University Websites: A Study for the Re-engineering of the Masinde Muliro University Website.https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=ronald+ochineg+ojino&btnG=
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