Communication Plan


  • Messages will be configured for each department to prevent the bombardment of information, mainly via email. Other alternative communication tools can also be considered, including text messages (bulk SMS), mobile applications (WhatsApp/Telegram), and phone calls.
  • Goals – We shall establish goals for our department that are tied to the bigger picture. The department will give weekly reports on what has been done and what needs improvement to improve the department.
  • Creation of a platform where all department information will be stored, and department members/employees can access all the information they need to know on the go (Google Drive)
  • Boost social media engagement and interaction by creating content, posting, reposting, and engaging people by answering any questions asked on the University’s social media platforms.
  • Content—We will create engaging content. Good content is short and varied; thus, our content will include videos, photos, blog posts, the intranet, and more. Good content involves pulling internal and external content towards the intended goal.
  • We will use a communication matrix to measure whether the internal communication strategy effectively makes necessary improvements.
  • Determining Stakeholders

There are many different types of potential customers and stakeholders.  We will first determine what people or groups we want to include in the Communication Matrix, i.e., Youth, High School leavers, staff, etc.

The CC&M Department will then determine the Communication Needs of Each Stakeholder, e.g., Some stakeholders might need awareness through communication, mentoring, question-and-answer sheets, promotional information to build enthusiasm, etc.

The department will employ creativity in determining how, what, to whom, where, and the frequency of communication. This will help us determine how to fulfill each stakeholder’s communication needs.



Create Tailored Messages: Different projects need tailored messages to the target audience to meet their interests and expectations. We will work on creating easily understandable messages.

Activities: To achieve the objectives of the communication approach, a careful selection of practical tools for different projects/communication campaigns, such as forums, posters, media engagement, advertisements, social media platforms, and documentaries, among others, will be implemented. The choice of tools will be made to address the different targets effectively.

Timeline: The Department is responsible for creating a timeline that identifies when each activity will take place. This will help ensure that deadlines and opportunities are noticed.

Financial and Human Resources: Allocating financial and human resources is critical to ensuring that the university participates in external events when it is justified and valuable.

Regularly update the web platform, where specific branding can also be created for event campaigns, to enhance the website’s contents and a related digital strategy, i.e., boosting advertisements on different social media platforms.

Evaluation: It is essential to assess the effectiveness of our communication strategy to determine whether the objectives have been met, which activities were successful, and which ones should be improved or abandoned.

The evaluation also creates helpful feedback to share with other departments so that we can learn from each other’s experiences.

The communication evaluation criteria, indicators, measures, and methods during different campaigns and at their closure will be defined in line with the communication objectives.

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