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Application Guidelines
- Ensure you have met the eligibility criteria for the selected program.
- Ensure you have scanned Academic Transcripts, Certificates and a clear passport photo.
- Ensure you have scanned identification documents, either a National Identification Card, Passport or birth certificate.
- Kindly note that for all applicants with foreign certificates, you require equation/validation from Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) which can be obtained from the portal https://rev.knqa.go.ke/or forward your academic certificates to KNQA for validation and equation through the email for KNQA: rev@knqa.go.ke and ke@gmail.com
- Click here to see the admission requirements (https://www.cuk.ac.ke/admissions/academic-programmes/)
- Fill in the Application Form
- Deposit at any branch of Co-operative Bank A/C No. 01129062663600 Karen Branch or Equity Bank of Kenya A/C No. 1250277107862 Karen Supreme Branch;
- Duly filled forms should be scanned and emailed to admissions@cuk.ac.kewith proof of payment of a non-refundable fee of KES. 500/= for Diploma/Certificates programmes; KES. 1,500/= for Degree programmes; KES. 2,000/= for Master’s Degree Programs and KES. 3000 for PhD Programmes or send to the following address:
The Registrar (Academics Affairs)
P.O. Box 24814-00502, Karen
For further enquiries, please reach us through,
0724 31106 or 020-2430127
NB: The University does not accept cash payments and personal cheques, therefore, all payments to the institution shall be payable through any of the following means:
- Deposit at any branch of Co-operative Bank A/C No. 01129062663600 Karen Branch or Equity Bank of Kenya A/C No. 1250277107862 Karen Supreme Branch;
- Bankers cheque to be presented to the University’s Cash Office;
- Cheques from CDF, County funds and other sponsors to be presented to the University’s Cash Office accompanied by a forwarding letter from the organization.
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