About School of Cooperatives and Community Development

Vision Statement
A leading School in the University in Co-operative Training, Education, Research and Innovation.
Mission Statement
To Provide Education, Training, Research and Consultancy In Order To Produce Leaders in the Fields of Co-operative Development, Community Development, and Rural Transformation,
Core Values
Co-operation, Equity, Integrity, Professionalism, Accountability, Creativity and Innovation
Strategic Objectives
  1. To enhance effective teaching through online classes and e-learning model by at least 70%
  2. To enhance customer satisfaction through holding at least two consultative meetings with class representatives in financial year 2021/2022
  3. Conduct evaluation of teaching staff at the end of every semester and provide feedback.
  4. To develop and submit two proposals for funding by developing partners in the financial year 2021/2022
  5. To develop at least two market driven programmes in the financial year 2021/2022
  6. To develop and disseminate new knowledge by publishing at least fourteen papers in referred journals.

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