Communication Channel

Communication Channel

The school of cooperatives and community development has an academic dean who is the academic and administrative head of the school in accordance with the statutes of cooperative university of Kenya. The school comprise of two department headed by chairpersons as the academic and administrative heads. We have the following departments

  1. Department of Cooperatives and Agribusiness Management
  2. Department of Community Development and Environmental Management

Student advising

Each student will be allocated an academic supervisor who will assist them through their academic well-being in the university. The advisor will be one of the lecturers in various departments

Deferment of studies

Students who may wish to defer studies must get permission to do so. This is done by applying to the Registrar AA through the academic dean.

Course registration

Registration of courses is handled by respective chairs of Departments. This is subject to payment of 50% of the school fees during registration.  You are advised to seek for advice before you choose particular subject of study. All year 1 and 2 course units will be compulsory. Some electives will be offred in year 3&4

Inter-school transfers

There may be students who might want to study other disciplines not available in the school. They will be allowed to fill interschool transfer forms within the first two weeks. They will then be informed of the results of their applications in due course as long as the cut-off marks and cluster subject match those for the stipulated Programme

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