Half a Century-Commitment; Varsity Staff Honored by Ask Council

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The Council for the Agricultural Society of Kenya (ASK) appointed Mr. Esau Achiya Echakara a trustee of the society during a Council meeting held on March 30th, 2017. Mr. Echakara who is also a life governor at the ASK teaches at the School of Co-operatives and Community Development at The Co-operative University of Kenya.

The Agricultural Society of Kenya has over the years shown confidence in Mr. Echakara as he has been a patron of the society since he joined it in 1967. He has been further honored by the society for his duty as the patron for the over 50 years he has dedicated to the society.

Mr. Echakara has served the agricultural society of Kenya in various capacities and received honors notably from the former president of Kenya H.E Mwai Kibaki during his reign. He has continually served the society with dedication having not missed to attend any single exhibition since 1967 every year. This year, Mr. Echakara hopes to be honored once again for his 50 years services as he hopes to write a book on his half a century experience with the ASK shows.

As a trustee of the society, he is to hold the office for a period not exceeding ten years from the date of resumption of office. In his new job, he is be expected to deal with the property of the society in such a manner as directed by the society’s Council. He will also not be allowed to participate in the day to day running of the society.

The Co-operative University of Kenya wishes to congratulate Mr. Esau Achiya Echakara in his new appointment and wishes him the very best as he partakes of this service.


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