Post Graduate Programmes for Sccd

Masters of Cooperative Business (MCB)

Duration of the Programme

The Programme will run for a period of 2 years for 4 semesters

Mode of study

Full time and part-time via IODEL

Employment Opportunities

  1. Institutions of higher learning
  2. Government ministries
  3. Cooperative sector and banks
  4. Research institutions
  5. Non-governmental organizations
  6. Self-employment as a consultant


Entry Requirements

For a candidate to be admitted to Entry Requirements

For a candidate to be admitted to Masters of Cooperative Business (MCB) programme in the School he/she must have any of the following:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Cooperative Business or any other related field of business with at least upper second class honours degree or cumulative Grade Point Average ( GPA) of 3.0 on a scale of 4.00 ;


  • Lower  Second Class Honours  or cumulative GPA of 2.50 on a scale of 4.00 with relevant  working experience of two years;


  • A postgraduate diploma, or its equivalent.


  1. Qualification units/courses/modules

(Summarize the ALL units/courses that must be taken for the qualification by Semester/term to be awarded and the credits carried by each of the units/courses; Level and credit value of each course/unit; Arrange them in the sequence in which they are taught, Indicate Core, optional and elective courses; Pre-requisites and co-requisite; Indicate courses which are mainly fieldwork/work based practice) use the table below and-add more space if necessary-Max 3000 words


  1. Masters In Community Development

Duration of the Programme

The Programme will run for a period of 2 years for 4 semesters

Mode of study

Full time and part-time via IODEL

Employment Opportunities

  1. Institutions of higher learning
  2. Government ministries
  3. Cooperative sector and banks
  4. Research institutions
  5. Non-governmental organizations
  6. Self-employment as a consultant


Entry Requirements

For a candidate to be admitted to Masters of Community Development programme in the School he/she must have any of the following:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Community Development, Development studies, Social Work OR ant other related field with at least upper second class honours degree or cumulative Grade Point Average ( GPA) of 3.0 on a scale of 4.00 ;


  • Lower  Second Class Honours  or cumulative GPA of 2.50 on a scale of 4.00 with relevant  working experience of two years;


  • A postgraduate diploma, or its equivalent.

 (Provide all the possible minimum entry requirement)

Qualification Units/Courses/Modules

(Summarize the ALL units/courses that must be taken for the qualification by Semester/term to be awarded and the credits carried by each of the units/courses; Level and credit value of each course/unit; Arrange them in the sequence in which they are taught, Indicate Core, optional and elective courses; Pre-requisites and co-requisite; Indicate courses which are mainly fieldwork/work based practice) use the table below and-add more space if necessary-Max 3000 words


Pathways of the Qualification

(Diagram or narrative showing: Entry pathways into the qualification, exit points within the qualification, Employment and higher education destinations after completing the qualification)-Max 2000 wards


  1. Bachelors in community development/any related field recognized by CUK senate
  2. Masters in community development
  3. Proceed to Doctorate
  4. Employment in government ministries, NGOs, self-employment/ lecturer

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