

A leading Centre of Excellence in Postgraduate Training and Quality Research

  1. To Provide Effective Leadership for Quality Postgraduate Education and Training, Research and Publication, Scholarship and Student’s Welfare for Sustainable Individual and Societal Development.

Quality Policy
  1. The Board of Post Graduate Studies of the Co-operative University of Kenya is committed to oversee effectiveness in the conduct of the postgraduate programmes in conformity with the university regulations for the advancement of education and research as well as timely realization of the intended value by all the stakeholders.

Strategic Objectives
  1. To enforce the CUK Common Rules and Regulations for Post Graduate Programmes in the Faculties, Institutes and Schools
  2. To Keep under review, the progress of each postgraduate student and make such recommendations thereon to the Senate as may be appropriate.
  3. To Co-ordinate the development of competitive demand driven postgraduate programmes and oversee effectiveness in the implementation and conduct of the programmes in conformity with the university regulations.
  4. To promote quality research and enhance dissemination of knowledge by closely monitoring the processes relating to postgraduate research.
  5. To Co-ordinate and promote postgraduate student’s welfare through consultative meetings and ensure that a conducive atmosphere exists for the conduct of their studies in compliance with statutory & regulatory requirements
BPS Mandate

The BPS is entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring that:

  1. postgraduate programmes are initiated and maintained;
  2. qualified students are attracted into these programmes;
  3. high level research at the postgraduate level is maintained;
  4. studies are completed in the stipulated time; and
  5. that research findings are disseminated to the users so that they are of value to the intended beneficiaries.
Core Functions

The BPS shall be responsible to Senate on all matters pertaining to postgraduate and post-doctoral studies at CUK. It is tasked with:

  1. The admission of postgraduate students;
  2. The coordination of postgraduate syllabuses and regulations
  3. The examinations of postgraduate students
  4. The proper conduct and supervision of the postgraduate studies programmes
  5. The administration of processing of postgraduate Thesis, projects or research papers;
  6. The administration of postgraduate scholarships and research grants
  7. Monitoring student progress.
  8. The general welfare and discipline of postgraduate students
  9. Maintain updated records of postgraduate students including their progress reports
  10. Receive and consider student issues that may affect their academic and social welfare of postgraduate students and advise Senate accordingly
  11. Enhance research skills and exposure for postgraduate students

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