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“Quality Co-operative Education, Training and Research’’
Quality Objectives
Ensure effective teaching by holding of at least one consultative meeting with class representatives every semester.
Conduct evaluation of teaching staff at the end of every semester and provide feedback for taking corrective action by the staff.
Monitor teaching and learning process through analysis of student class attendance at the end of every semester.
Develop at least two new market driven innovative academic programmes every financial year
Develop and submit for funding by development partners at least two fundable proposals every financial year.
Our Core Values
- Co-operation: The department will ensure teamwork through synergy to achieve its objectives.
- Equity: In discharging its mandate the department will ensure that all its stakeholders are treated with fairness and justice.
- Integrity: Uphold strong ethical and moral principles in all decisions and actions.
- Professionalism: Ensure and maintain high standards in the discharge of responsibilities and delivery of services.
- Accountability: Demonstrate and take responsibility for all decisions and actions.
- Creativity and Innovation: Encourage generation and nurturing
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.