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Dr. Obadia Miroro
Riisgaard, L., & Okinda, O. (2018). Changing labour power on smallholder tea farms in Kenya. Competition & Change, 22(1), 41-62.
Miroro, O. O., & Adera, E. O. (2014). Political economy of ICTs and their effect on poverty. ICT pathways to poverty reduction. Empirical evidence from East and Southern Africa, 53-76.
Miroro, O. O. (2014). A Realistic Explanation of Long Run Development Interventions Contexts, Adaptations and Outcomes of Dairy Improvement in Kenya (Doctoral dissertation, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban).
Waema, T. M., & Miroro, O. O. (2014). Access and use of ICT and its contribution to poverty reduction in Kenya. ICT pathways to poverty reduction: Empirical evidence from East and Southern Africa, 102-131.
Obadia, O. M. (2007). Giving Voice to the Chronically Poor A Study of People’s Participation in Projects Funded under the Constituency Development Fund in Ibeno Location, Nyaribari Chache Constituency, Kisii District (Doctoral dissertation, University of Nairobi).
Dr. Metto Wilson
Wilson, M. K. (2015). Youth Polytechnic Students’perception Of Vocational Training In Nandi County, Kenya (Doctoral Dissertation, Kenyatta University).
Metto, W. K. (2016). Youth Polytechnic Students’ Perception Of Vocational Training In Nandi County, Kenya. International Journal Of Scientific Research In Education, 9(4).
Charles Muthama
Charles Muthama
Muthama, M. C. (2014). The Relationship Between Stock Market Return and Monetary Policy Decisions In Kenya. Economics.
Muthama, M. C. (2009). Unwfcksity Os: Nairobi.
Mr. Victor Ochieng
Ochieng, V. O. (2017). Strategic Factors Affecting Compliance with the Sacco act of 2008 by Deposit Taking Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Nairobi County. Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 4(2).
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