Department of Mathematical Sciences


Publication Type
Publication Title
Journal/Proce eding title
Vol/Number/ DOI/URL
Conference Proceeding
Duncan Nyale, Michael Kangethe
Towards an ontology for personalized hotel room recommendation
Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing doi/abs/10.1145/3 341105.3374230
Ronald Ojino
Ronald Ojino (2020).Towards an ontology for personalized hotel room recommendation, Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, doi/abs/10.1145/ 3341105.3374230
Journal Paper
Ronald Ojino
Automated Crime Patterns Analysis Framework for PredictivePolicing using Data Mining Techniques
Internation Journal of Computer Applications, Technology & Research
10.7753/IJCA TR0905.1002
Duncan Nyale, Michael Kangethe
Duncan Nyale, Michael Kangethe (2020).Automated Crime Patterns Analysis Framework for PredictivePolicing using Data Mining Techniques, Internation Journal of Computer Applications, Technology & Research, 10.7753/IJCATR0905.1002
Journal Paper
Duncan Nyale
Assessment of Evidence Based Research on Internet Freedoms in Africa
Internation Journal of Computer Applications, Technology & Research
DOI: 10.7753/IJ CATR0905.1003
Duncan Nyale
Duncan Nyale (2020).Assessment of Evidence Based Research on Internet Freedoms in Africa, Internation Journal of Computer Applications, Technology & Research, DOI: 10.7753/IJCATR0905.1003
Journal Paper
Kasyoka, Philemon., Kimwele, Michael. & Angolo, Shem Mbandu.
Towards an Efficient Certificateless Access Control Scheme for Wireless Body Area Networks
Wireless Personal Communications .1007/s11277-020- 07621-7
Kasyoka, Philemon., Kimwele, Michael. & Angolo, Shem Mbandu.
Kasyoka, Philemon., Kimwele, Michael. & Angolo, Shem Mbandu. (2020).Towards an Efficient Certificateless Access Control Scheme for Wireless Body Area Networks, Wireless Personal Communications , 007/s11277-020-07621-7
Journal Paper
Positioning Co-operatives as Partners in Global Health Agenda: How to go about it in Africa
African Journal of Co-operative Development and Technology
5(1), 10-27
ANANIA, P., Angolo, S. M., & Sife, A. S.
ANANIA, P., Angolo, S. M., & Sife, A. S. (2020). Positioning Co-operatives as Partners in Global Health Agenda: How to go about it in Africa, African Journal of Co-operative Development and Technology, 5(1), 10-27
Journal Paper
Cryptanalysis of a pairing-free certificateless signcryption scheme
ICT Express-Elsevier 0.1016/j.icte.202 0.07.006
Kasyoka, Philemon., Kimwele, Michael. & Angolo, Shem Mbandu.
Kasyoka, Philemon., Kimwele, Michael. & Angolo, Shem Mbandu. (2020).Cryptanalysis of a pairing-free certificateless signcryption scheme, ICT Express-Elsevier, 016/j.icte.2020.07.006
Journal Paper
An empirical evaluation of the comparative advantage of cost measures on performance of the telecommunication industry in Rwanda
International Journal of Financial Management and Economics
Vol 3, Issue 2,E-ISSN: 2617-9229, P-ISSN: 2617-9210, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.15
Veronese Marie Josee, George Gongera and Emma Anyika
Veronese Marie Josee, George Gongera and Emma Anyika (2020).An empirical evaluation of the comparative advantage of cost measures on performance of the telecommunication industry in Rwanda, International Journal of Financial Management and Economics, Vol 3, Issue 2,E-ISSN: 2617-9229, P-ISSN: 2617-9210, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.15
Journal Paper
Influence of principals’ self-management on the organisational commitment of teachers in secondary school in county governments in Kenya
Independent Journal of Management & Production
11 (4), 1434-1453
N. M. Waweru, H. Gachunga and J. M. Kihoro
N. M. Waweru, H. Gachunga and J. M. Kihoro (2020).Influence of principals’ self-management on the organisational commitment of teachers in secondary school in county governments in Kenya, Independent Journal of Management & Production, 11 (4), 1434-1453
Journal Paper
University Students’ Perception on the Usefulness of Learning Management System Features in Promoting Self-Regulated Learning in Online Learning
International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology
17 (1)
Eric Araka, Elizaphan Maina, Rhoda Gitonga, Robert Oboko and John Kihoro
Eric Araka, Elizaphan Maina, Rhoda Gitonga, Robert Oboko and John Kihoro (2021).University Students’ Perception on the Usefulness of Learning Management System Features in Promoting Self-Regulated Learning in Online Learning, International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 17 (1)
Journal Paper
The influence of credit on the growth of YEDF-funded group-based enterprises in Nairobi County, Kenya
International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science
C. W. Gathitu, E. Mukulu and J. Kihoro
C. W. Gathitu, E. Mukulu and J. Kihoro (2021).The influence of credit on the growth of YEDF-funded group-based enterprises in Nairobi County, Kenya, International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, 10(2)
Journal Paper
Efficient certificateless signcryption scheme for wireless sensor networks in ubiquitous healthcare systems
Wireless Personal Communications 10.1007/s11277 -021-08366-7
Kasyoka, Philemon Nthenge, Michael Kimwele, and Shem Angolo Mbandu.
Kasyoka, Philemon Nthenge, Michael Kimwele, and Shem Angolo Mbandu. (2021).Efficient certificateless signcryption scheme for wireless sensor networks in ubiquitous healthcare systems, Wireless Personal Communications, 007/s11277-021-08366-7

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