Message from the Head of Department

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Welcome to the Institute of the Technical, Vocational Education and Training website . We are delighted to have you explore our website and for considering us, as an Institute that you can join. We have been given the responsibility of training all Diploma and Certificate students at The Co-operative University of Kenya and have developed competency-based programmes that will not only set you apart from your peers but also equip you for the future. The Insitute is pleased and happy to have you onboard and we are looking forward to meeting all your expectations and superseding them as we all work together to create a future workforce for the Kenyan and African economy.

Department Notice Board


To be a centre of quality Technical, Vocational and Professional training.


To provide Technical, vocational and professional training which is responsive to the most current needs of the world population through research, innovation and technology thereby producing competent and relevant labour market workforce.

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