
The Vision
To be a leading hub in the provision of user-centered quality information resources and services.
The Mission

To provide a wide range of resources and services in support of the research, teaching, and learning needs of the University

The library Objectives
  • To provide information resources in a variety of formats.
  • Provide information skills in order to equip Library users. with the necessary skills needed to identify, evaluate and use information resources effectively.
  • To provide reference and research assistance to library patrons.
  • To promote the integration of ICT in the provision and dissemination of information.

Departmental service delivery charter

  • Issuing of print resources Electronic information resources from the Library Literature search support Reference service Orientation of new library users Information skills training

Communication plan

  • A suggestion box at the entrance for you to drop your suggestion or complaints.
  • Anti-corruption box outside the library to report any malpractice while assessing the services.
  • Compliments and complaints register at the circulation counter.
  • You can communicate to library section heads through provided emails or @CUKLibKenya and cooperative university library

Social Media

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