Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Catalogue?

A catalogue contains records of print books owned by the library.

How Can I Borrow a Print Book?

Print books are borrowed from the circulation desks in the library. Carry your student identification with you.

Does the Library Have Access to E-books?

Yes, Library subscribes to Proquest ebook Central . The database has over 100,000 books. Log in to MyLOFT portal to access Apart from Proquest Ebook Central , you will find links to other e-books like Elgar online and OECD.

Can I Access the E-resources From Home?

To access e-resources from home go to MyLOFT  portal You will require User ID and Password authentication.

How Can I Access Wi-fi in the Library?

To access Wi-Fi within the library approach the circulation desk and request assistance on which Wi-Fi to connect to and get the password as well.

Can I Access E-resources Off-campus?

Yes. Enter the following URL on the address bar and log in using the student’s email credentials used during activation of the account.

What’s the Process & Requirement for Registering With the Library in Order to Start Using the Library Services?

The records of registered students are directly uploaded into the Library Information system and therefore for a student to access the library, he/she needs to come with their student ID. In a case where you don’t have one you can come with your national ID and admission letter, until the student ID is provided to you.

Can I Renew a Book When Off Campus?

Yes, just write an email to and request for the book(s) to be renewed. In your email indicate your name and admission number.

Once the book has been renewed, you will be notified together with the due date through email.

NBRenewal can only be done once.

How to Access E-books and E-journals Using the Off-campus Network?
  1. If you are a first-time user of the Library’s E-Resources Platform, you will be required to send an email to requesting account activation using your student CUK email address.
  2. Once your registration is approved you will receive an e-mail containing information about how to log in, set your password, and other details.
  3. Click on the link provided in the registration approval mail to set the password you will be using to log in to the system

NB: You are required to use your CUK email for the registration

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