13th CUE Exhibition in Machakos! CUCK Takes a Lead.

The 3-day 13th Kenyan Universites’ Ehhibition organized by the Commission for University Education (CUE) kicks off at the Kenyatta stadium in Machakos. The Co-operative University College of Kenya takes the participation cue led by the Deputy Principal AA Prof. Kamau Ngamau and ICDRE Director Prof. E. N. Gicheru.

The flagship exhibition items are the courses offered from Certificate level to degree level and the most successful E-learning mode offered by CUCK. Also, the Shirika Water Entreprenuaral model is notably in the Exhibition cue. Earlier today the Chief Guest Dr. Florence Muli Musime, the Chancellor, Daystar University and the CEO of CUE Prof. David Some visited the CUCK stand at the expo. The exhibition ends on Saturday 21st March, 2015.

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