Ica Africa Holds Regional Forum at the Co-perative University College of Kenya
FORUM FOR GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS AND CO-OPERATIVE LEADERS/ MANAGERS THEME: MOMENTUM FOR SUSTAINABLE CO-OPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT: SETTING AN AFRICAN AGENDA FOR ACTION The 2014 ICA Forum for Government and Co-operative Movement Leaders in Africa to is currently being held at The Co-operative University of Kenya, 12-14 May 2014; at the Co-operative University College retreat center is meant to bring various government officials and co-operative leaders/ managers together and have them taught on ways to ensure sustainable co-operative development. Chaired by Prof. Peter K’Obonyo, Janet Kalulu, Mohammed Kerre and the Principal of the Co-operative University College of Kenya, offers further insight into the Co-operative movement in Kenya and the rest of Africa. Also present is the former minister for co-operative development Hon. Nyagah The forum highlights issues which hinder and curtail the sustainable co-operative movement in the region and Africa, additionally ways to accelerate the growth of our own co-operative movements will also discussed upon.
Ica Africa Holds Regional Forum at the Co-perative University College of Kenya Read More »