Memorandum of Understanding Between Fineline Management Systems and the Cooperative University of Kenya

  The Vice-Chancellor, Prof Kamau Ngamau, centre and CEO, FMS Mr. Alex Malla exchange the signed MoU documents. On Monday May 30th 2022, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was inked by  Fineline Management Systems (FMS) and The Co-operative University of Kenya (CUK) piloting a long-term strategic partnership with an aim of setting up a framework for mutual partnership and defining  broader relationships towards joint assignments in co-operative development, education and training, research, innovations and capacity building of the co-operative sector and related fields. The CUK, a leader in the co-operative sector provides quality co-operative training, research, consultancy and community extension services whereas Fineline Management Systems specializes in the provision of consultancy services in Economic Development focusing on areas of Microfinance, Banking and Co-operative Development. The MoU  will be made possible through the cooperation of both parties in steering the Co-operative development targeting the formation and capacity building of co-operatives (and pre-cooperatives) at the County and National levels as well as in the region. CUK and FMS plan on joining hands and working towards, educating and training members; having joint ventures in undertaking consultancies and outreach activities; supporting social and economic development of the community members; having a joint resource The witnesses, DVC,CDRI Prof. Isaac K Nyamongo seated far right and the Director Research FMS, Mr. Joab Osumha signing the MOU document

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