March 17, 2023

CUK’s Kenya Rural Transformation Centres Digital Platform (KRTCDP) Project

On Wednesday, 8th March 2023, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Kamau Ngamau, met with the Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Co-operatives, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MEMEs) Development, Hon. Simon K. Chelugui, EGH. The meeting was also attended by the PS State Department of Co-operatives, Mr. Patrick K. Kilemi. The University’s top management officials accompanying the Vice Chancellor were Prof. Isaac Nyamongo, The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (ACDRI), Prof. Kennedy Waweru, and Dr. Lydia Mutua. Prof. Kamau Ngamau and Hon. Simon K. Chelugui during the Wednesday 8th KRTCDP meeting at Mercure Hotel in Nairobi. The meeting held in Mercure Hotel in Nairobi predominantly engaged discussions and deliberations on the strategic place of the Co-operative University of Kenya in spearheading the development of farmer co-operatives through Kenya Rural Transformation Centres Digital Platform (KRTDCP) through collaboration with the Ministry mentioned above. This project aims to increase productivity, boost profitability, and uphold sustainability within agricultural cooperatives, integrating small-holder farmers with other stakeholders in the farm input supplies, food production, and agriculture value chain. Representatives of the University Management with CS, Hon. Chelugui, and the PS, Mr. Patrick Kilemi, pose for a group photo during Wednesday’s 8th meeting at Mercure Hotel – Nairobi. PS Kilemi expressed his satisfaction and enthusiasm for the initiative taken by the Co-operative University of Kenya in addressing the gaps within our society and making efforts to turn the situation of our country from a hunger-stricken nation into a food-secure country. He pledged the readiness of the State Department for Co-operatives to support the KRTDCP project since it ensures food security and empowers many Kenyans living below the poverty line through co-operative societies. Cabinet Secretary Hon. Simon Chelugui signs the Visitor’s book before the commencement of the Wednesday 8th Meeting at Mercure Hotel – Upper Hill, Nairobi. Also, Hon. Chelugui emphasised the intention of his Ministry to work very closely with the CUK in executing primary development goals through mutual engagements. The CS said, “I have gratitude to the leadership of The Co-operative University of Kenya for setting foot in the forefront in leading the reformation and transformation of the Co-operative Movements in this country.” The Vice-Chancellor ascertained that through the endowment of knowledge, skills, and expertise, the University would ensure that farmer co-operatives benefit from the institution’s professionalism throughout the establishment, management enlightenment, and training. “With the support from your Ministry, Hon. Simon K. Chelugui, our university is prepared to gather the arsenal of vastly experienced academicians, including professors and doctors, in attaining this big vision of digitalising the agricultural production and marketing processes,” Prof. Ngamau said.

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Students of The Co-operative University of Kenya Undertake Training on Firebase, a Google Technology

The computing student community at CUK has become vibrant in harnessing the knowledge and skills imparted to them through holistic learning. This move has been influenced by the central and strategic role computing technology has and plays in the 21st century; its potential to transform the world by enhancing the quality of human living by bringing solutions to perpetual problems facing humanity.   The university’s Google Developer Students Club (GDSC) recently organised a high-level training dubbed “Get to know Compose and Firebase”. The event organiser was Andrew Nderitu (4th year Bachelor of Science student), the GDSC Lead at CUK who doubles as the winner at UNESCO India-Africa Hackathon 2022. The training occurred at CUK’s main campus (Karen) computer laboratory on Friday, 10th March 2023. The student turnout was pleasing 40 participants, majorly from the School of Computing and Mathematics (SCM). This depicted learners’ intuitive motivation and quest for computer technology expertise.   The leading facilitator of the event was Sandra Kuria, a Senior Android developer, Women Tech Makers Ambassador, and ex-GDSC Lead at Mount Kenya University. Through her vast knowledge, understanding, and expertise, Ms Kuria took trainees through android development using Firebase – a Google technology. The students accessed a rare opportunity to get immersed in Firebase technology concepts through practical sessions. They demonstrated an exclusive degree of engagement, making the training lively and interactive. This training featured efficiency and succeeded due to the accessibility of the venue by the CUK students. It was advantageous since it allowed those (students) without personal laptops to participate equally by using the computers in the computer laboratory. At the end of the intensive and all-inclusive training, the student attendees expressed interest and zeal to participate in such events. Sandra, a seasoned trainer, encouraged from her personal experience and urged the participants to take advantage of such pieces of training and events to build their capacity. “These kinds of events expose students to industry standard tools for applications and systems development,” said Sandra. The Director of the Directorate of Academic Quality Assurance (DAQA), Dr Shem Mbandu, affirmed that building the students’ capacity in these professional skills alongside academic training produces fully baked and industry-ready graduates.

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CUK Engages with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock on its KRTCDP Project

In remaining relevant to empowering communities, the Co-operative University of Kenya’s Vice Chancellor, Prof. Kamau Ngamau, on Wednesday, 15th March 2023, visited Mr. Kello Harsama, the Principal Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, State Department of Crop Development, at Kilimo House. The objective of the meeting was to engage and deliberate on the KRTCDP Project. This follows a successful meeting with officials from the Ministry of Co-operatives and MSMEs Development on 8th March 2023. The Agriculture Secretary, Mr. Josephat Mahunyu, and The Co-operative University of Kenya Vice Chancellor, Prof. Kamau Ngamau, at Kilimo House on 15th March 2023. The twin meetings were meant to bring on board the two line Ministries that will oversee the project and agree on a suitable implementation zone. The KRTCDP project, sponsored by the African Development Bank (AfDB), will place farmers in co-operatives on a digital platform that links them to suppliers of inputs, service providers, extension services, marketers, and other value chain players. The project’s successful implementation will be incredibly beneficial to farmer co-operatives since it will prevent exploitation occasioned by information asymmetry and enable them to reap higher fortunes from their produce. The Vice Chancellor was accompanied by Prof. Kennedy Waweru, Dr. Lydia Mutua, and Dr. Lucy Kiganane. Prof. Ngamau acknowledged the Ministry’s efforts towards making Kenya a food-secure nation and pledged the University’s support towards assisting the government in achieving its plans as itemised in the Agriculture Sector Growth and Transformation Strategy (ASGTS) 2019-2029. From left: Prof. Kennedy Waweru, Dr. Lucy Kiganane, Mr. Josephat Mahunyu, Prof. Kamau Ngamau (Vice Chancellor), Dr. Lydia Mutua, and Mr. Peter Owoko during the 15th March 2023 Meeting at Kilimo House.   On his part, the PS thanked the University for its proactive initiatives and activities geared towards solving the challenges affecting the country. He pointed out that the project would go a long way towards making the country food secure, besides creating market channels and raising farmer incomes. Mr. Josephat Muhunyu, the Agricultural Secretary, echoed his sentiments.

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