4th Graduation Ceremony: Friday 20th November, 2015

The Co-operative University College of Kenya (CUCK) hereby announces its 4th graduation ceremony to be held on FRIDAY 20TH NOVEMBER, 2015 at the Main Campus (Karen) starting at 8.00 a.m. All candidates who have qualified for the award of various Certificates and Diplomas in 2014/2015 academic year are invited to attend.


All students who completed their programmes in 2014/2015 academic year are advised to check their examination results from their respective Faculties and Campuses from 2nd November, 2015.


Candidates are requested to visit the University College website (www.cuk.ac.ke ) by 2nd November, 2015 to check correctness of their names and order in which the names will appear in their certificates.


Graduands are expected to have cleared any outstanding fees balances by 5th November, 2015. Those who will not have cleared fees by the stated date will be excluded from the graduation list.


The graduation fees are as indicated below:

S/n Award Graduation fee Academic dress Alumni fee Total payable
1. Certificate / Diploma 1,500 1,000 500 Kshs. 3,000


All payments must be through Co-operative Bank, Acc/No. 01129062663600 Karen branch.


Graduation gowns are available for hire upon presentation of the original National Identity card. Gowns will be collected from Room G6 at Main Campus (Karen) starting on Monday 16th November, 2015 to Wednesday 18th November, 2015 and returned by 1st December, 2015. Failure to return the gown by the stated date will attract a penalty of Kshs.200 per day.


All graduands are expected to attend the rehearsal on Thursday 19th November, 2015 at 10.00 a.m. at the graduation square, at the Main Campus (Karen) in full academic attire.


During the hiring of academic gown, each graduand will be given three (3) invitation cards for their guests. Persons without graduation cards will not be allowed into the graduation square.


Graduands and their guests are required to be seated by 8.00 a.m. Those who will be late will not be allowed into the graduation square.

For further information contact the Academic Registrar’s Office:-Telephone: 0724 311 606; e-mail enquiries@cuk.ac.ke . Website: https://cuk.ac.ke/

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University bank accounts

All payments to the institution are payable to the Co-operative Bank of Kenya and Equity Bank Kenya
Co-operative Bank –Account No.01129062663600 (Karen Branch). The University does not accept cash payments
Equity Bank of Kenya-Account Number 1250277107862(Karen Supreme branch)

Mpesa payment option

Procedure for fee payment through M-Pesa:

  1. Go to M-Pesa;
  2. Select pay bill or pay with M-Pesa then pay bill;
  3. Enter business number 728176;
  4. Enter account number (e.g BCMC01/0001/2022);
  5. Enter amount;
  6. Enter your M-Pesa PIN;
  7. Confirm the details then press OK.

N/B: You’ll get 2 messages, 1 from M-Pesa and the other from cooperative bank of Kenya showing that your payment has gone through.

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