Learning Resource Centre


The Patron for The Co-operative University of Kenya’s learning resource Centre (LRC) Mr. Japheth Magomere pays a courtesy call to the Vice chancellor Prof. Kamau Ngamau for a briefing meeting on the progress for the construction of the Kshs. 3.68B Learning Resource Centre.

Mr. Japheth Magomere (LRC PATRON) pays a courtesy call to the Vice chancellor Prof. Kamau Ngamau for a briefing meeting on the progress for the construction of the Kshs. 3.68B Learning Resource Centre.

In the briefing meeting, the Vice Chancellor noted that the University has made progressive leaps towards actualization for the project. Mr. Magomere was pleased that the initial stages for the project was commendable having had the designs approved awaiting the ground breaking ceremony later in the year. 
Accompanying the Vice Chancellor was the Deputy Vice Chancellor Finance, Planning and Administration Prof. Esther Gicheru, Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs Prof. Emily Akuno and members of the LRC Resource Mobilization Committee. The team later toured the current library and the site earmarked for the construction of the LRC.

The patron, Mr. Magomere, also doubles as the Chairman Co-operative Alliance of Kenya (CAK), The Chairman CIC Group of Companies.

The CUK’s LRC will create a focal point in the University that inspires learning, research and collaboration, promotes innovation and creation of new knowledge. Further, it will ensure quality professional training for the cooperative sector, provide state-of-the-art facility and infrastructure that offer innovative services, provide a conducive and comfortable environment for study and research, provide space for preservation and conservation and access of the University’s intellectual and historical assets and provide world class information resources to promote excellence in research and learning.

The completed project will be a one stop-shop state-of-the art complex hosting variety of services that will include cooperative business innovation, museum and cultural center, indigenous knowledge management, resources for physically challenged, e-learning directorate, digital innovation hub, creative and performing arts, a children’s library, bookshop, conference center and a recreational facility among others. It will offer high-quality study and research environment, with excellent IT provision throughout. The LRC will have good aesthetics, energy efficient and environmental friendly. It will be a space where students and researchers will love to spend most of their time studying, learning and even creating new knowledge.

The Learning Resource Center will have five (5) key components: the Library, a Co-operative Business & Incubation Centre Innovation Center, Museum and Cultural Center, a Conference center and a Recreational Center.

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