Principal’s Welcome Note to Freshmen and Women

Dear new students, It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Premier Co-operative University in Africa; we are the most specialized institution of higher learning offering Co-operative Education in Kenya and pioneering in the Eastern Africa region for over half a century now. This indeed, is the University of Quality Choice. I am delighted that The Co-operative University College of Kenya is growing at a standard and anticipated rate in terms of students’ population and infrastructural development since its inception on 4th November 2011 as a Constituent College of JKUAT; as a college training on areas of co-operatives, we started way back in 1952 as the east African school of co-operation. Hitherto, we are growing strong and moving forward.
As freshmen and women joining the Co-operative University College of Kenya, feel free, feel at home. We are happy you chose us to shape your careers among thousands of universities in the World. You are well aware that universities are centers of excellence. Ours is not only a centre of excellence abut over and above all our VISION STATEMENT is very clear; we yearn to be a leading global University in training, research and innovation for Co-operative development.

We are moved and motivated by our MISSION STATEMENT; To provide innovative education, training, research, consultancy services for sustainable community empowerment.

Our core values are apparent:
• Equity
• Honesty
• Integrity
• Professionalism
• Quality and excellence
• Teamwork
I wish to reiterate that to be iconic in excellence, conscience, hard work are core. I invite you to join the family of the co-operative university college of Kenya in pursuit to a co-operative family. We shall offer to you the best of the best to our ability. I am moved to believe your dreams shall come true if you remain faithful to them.
As you are aware, we are a constituent college of JKUAT. I wish to reiterate that we are in the final stages of being awarded a charter to become a fully fledged public university. This will happen in due time. The Commission for University Education has done inspection and their report is a positive mark towards our goal.
Above all we continue to directly and indirectly, or in collaboration with other institutions of higher learning, facilities for University education (including vocational, professional and scientific education), the integration of teaching, research and effective application of knowledge and skills to the life, work and welfare of the citizens of Kenya. In this, we flex our muscles to participate in the discovery, transmission and preservation and enhancement of knowledge and to stimulate the intellect participation of students in the economic, social, cultural, scientific and technological development of Kenya.
The Co-operative University College of Kenya has four campuses; two of them, Meru and Nairobi headed by Directors and Mombasa campus headed by an acting co-ordinator. The main campus in Karen is the headquarters. CUCK has one institute, the institute for Co-operative Development, Research and Extension (ICDRE); housed in main campus. We have a directorate of computing and e-learning housed in main campus and headed by Prof. J.M. Kihoro; in charge of e-Learning and computing.

The Co-operative University College of Kenya has transformed itself to an institution of excellence in teaching, training, scholarship, entrepreneurship, innovation, research and consultancy services; our corporate commercial arm Agri and Co-operative Training and Consultancy services (ATC) Limited has led the market scale in this venture. Through this channel we have been able to use to participate in commercial ventures and other activities to the benefit of the institution, the community and stakeholders.
As University students’ you are expected to conduct yourselves maturely. Your discipline ought to be right. There might be some few challenges here and there for all of us. We need to learn to dialogue whenever such an occasion may arise. I wish to advise you to watch your health and especially your diet. You need energy to work hard in class.
The Co-operative University College of Kenya is a drug free zone. Learn to keep your goals right on entertainment; indulge not in alcoholism and other forms of drug and substance abuse. Irresponsible sexual behavior especially is immoral during these dangerous times of sexually transmitted diseases; the consequences of such are fatal.
I am confident that The Co-operative University College of Kenya is committed to provision of quality Co-operative Education, Training, Research and Consultancy, and we will continue as before to meet our customers’ expectations to the letter.
Our campuses in Nairobi’s CBD, Mombasa and Meru are taking great strides and this is a commendable job. It once again gives our glimpse towards attaining a fully fledged university status in the coming few days.
We shall, as before forge ahead to make The Co-operative University College of Kenya a home for us all. It is therefore our core mandate to operate within our open door policy and service to all. Once again welcome to The Co-operative University College of Kenya, the University of Quality Choice. Once again, welcome to CUCK, make it your home. Every day, make sure you do something for your University.

Prof. (Eng.) Douglas Shitanda
Principal of The Co-operative University College of Kenya.

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University bank accounts

All payments to the institution are payable to the Co-operative Bank of Kenya and Equity Bank Kenya
Co-operative Bank –Account No.01129062663600 (Karen Branch). The University does not accept cash payments
Equity Bank of Kenya-Account Number 1250277107862(Karen Supreme branch)

Mpesa payment option

Procedure for fee payment through M-Pesa:

  1. Go to M-Pesa;
  2. Select pay bill or pay with M-Pesa then pay bill;
  3. Enter business number 728176;
  4. Enter account number (e.g BCMC01/0001/2022);
  5. Enter amount;
  6. Enter your M-Pesa PIN;
  7. Confirm the details then press OK.

N/B: You’ll get 2 messages, 1 from M-Pesa and the other from cooperative bank of Kenya showing that your payment has gone through.

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