Registration for January – April 2014 Semester

As we welcome you back from the short break, we want to bring the following notices to your attention:

  1. You are expected to clear any pending fees balance for last semester before you are given the key to the residential halls.
  2. Those who have cleared fees balances for last semester to collect examination cards from the Registry (Examinations begin on Thursday 9th January 2014 afternoon).
  3. Registration for the new semester January-April 2014 will take place as follows:
Group Date
All continuing Diploma and certificate students Thursday 16th January 2014 from 8.00am
BCOB self sponsored (May 2013 group) Thursday 16th January 2014 from 8.00am
All continuing JAB and Degree self sponsored students Thursday 23rd January 2014 from 8.00am
All new students Monday 20th January 2014 from 8.00am

NB: 1) All students MUST register on their specified date as shown above.

2) On the date of your registration, collect a registration checklist from Registry to guide you on the registration procedure.

3) Please note that the university will not recognize you as a bona fide student registered for this semester until you sign the nominal roll.

4) Those who are in possession of any fees deposit slips should deposit them at Finance office immediately to avoid any possible loses.

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University bank accounts

All payments to the institution are payable to the Co-operative Bank of Kenya and Equity Bank Kenya
Co-operative Bank –Account No.01129062663600 (Karen Branch). The University does not accept cash payments
Equity Bank of Kenya-Account Number 1250277107862(Karen Supreme branch)

Mpesa payment option

Procedure for fee payment through M-Pesa:

  1. Go to M-Pesa;
  2. Select pay bill or pay with M-Pesa then pay bill;
  3. Enter business number 728176;
  4. Enter account number (e.g BCMC01/0001/2022);
  5. Enter amount;
  6. Enter your M-Pesa PIN;
  7. Confirm the details then press OK.

N/B: You’ll get 2 messages, 1 from M-Pesa and the other from cooperative bank of Kenya showing that your payment has gone through.

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