CEO Set to Address Varsity on Entrepreneurship

equity ceo at cuk to speak on Entreprenuership


The Chief Executive Officer of the Equity Bank Dr. James Mwangi, is this year’s chief guest and keynote speaker during open day for the School of Business and Economics at the Co-operative University of Kenya’s main campus, Karen on 9th March, 2018 at 9.00am at the New Lecture Theatre, (Ground Floor).
We are pleased therefore to invite the entire University community to attend.

During the event, the SBE will launch its 5-Year Strategic Plan, conduct its Prize Giving Day and a book re-launch authored by Dr. Kennedy Kirima, the Dean School of Business and Economics at CUK. The title of the book is Entrepreneurship; A Global Perspective.

Dr. Mwangi’s Keynote address will be on Key to Successful Entrepreneurship

With Co-operative regards

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