Mr. David B Otiende

Registrar Academic Affairs

Mr. David Boge Otiende is the Registrar Academic Affairs of The Co-operative University of Kenya. He is PhD Student at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. He holds a Master of Education Degree in Administration and a Bachelor of Education (Arts) degree in both from Kenyatta University. Prior to his appointment as a substantive Registrar, Mr. Otiende served as the Ag. Registrar Academic Affairs and the Deputy Director Academic Affairs of the former Co-operative University College of Kenya and Co-operative College of Kenya respectively. Having begun his career in 1986 as a high school teacher, Mr. Otiende has served in different capacities in the Ministry of Education having risen to the positions of Assistant Director of Education, and Senior Assistant Director of Education at the Ministry of Education before joining the Co-operative College of Kenya as the Deputy Director, Academic Affairs
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