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Clubs and Societies
The CUK-FASA is one of the most prestigious Student Association grouping at The Co- operative University of Keya. The association was founded in the year 2014 by CUK students.
Our vision is to link students with the corporate world, promote interaction with the alumni, professional firms and commercial enterprises, and promote service delivery and corporate governance amongst the members.
Our mission is to instill professionalism and great teamwork.
CUK-FASA operates under responsibility, accountability, Teamwork and transparency as our core values.
FASA brings on board professional bodies and potential partners like KASNEB, CMA, ICPAK, ICPSK, ICIFA, KPMG and ERNST
AND YOUNG to give public lectures to its members and other students. The executive board of CUK-FASA appreciates the patron and the university management for support extended to them especially linkages. A notable case is the previous public lecture held on Monday 31st October, 2016 at our Main Campus’ Nordic hall.
FASA is run through various subcommittees; Finance and investment committee, cooperative business committee, alumni and external affiliation committee, publicity committee amongst ad hoc committees. This makes it outstanding. This is a step towards mentoring almost everyone in the club to inclusive leadership.
The association is currently working on a proposed member awareness scheme. FASA plans to own two magazines, The Student Co-operator and The Researcher. This will be published annually at the beginning of every academic year. The magazines will be supplied to students, alumni, the university administration and potential sponsors to communicate the association’s goals and mission to its clients and other stakeholders.
The CUK-FASA team wishes to pass gratitude to all stakeholders for their continued support as we roll out our second phase of sensitization.
The Co-operative University of Kenya Seventh day Adventist has a long history spanning the establishment of the institution; it has been in existence since the school was started but since the students have been coming and going the membership has been fluctuating. Initially it had low membership due low student population. However, from the year 2012 when the University started admitting degree students our membership also grew our membership has been growing constantly since then until now our membership is 150 students. The SDA Church at CUK is has a well-organized Sabbath school under Karengata Seventh Day Adventist church as its ‘mother’ church, where CUK SDA Christin are actively involved in various activities such as, team building activities, charity work, missions and outreach.
The mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is to proclaim to all the people the everlasting Gospel in the context of the three Angels’ message of Revelation 14:6-12 leading them to accept Jesus as the personal Saviour and to unite with His Church, and Nurturing them in preparation of Christ’s soon return.
The Co-operative University of Kenya Christian Union is a Christian organization that seeks to develop holistic students through discipleship, evangelism and leadership development and in the long run transforming university, church and the society.
‘The race is not to the swift or neither battle to the strong nor does food comes to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favour to the learned but time and chance happens to them all.
The analogy here in reminds us of our being. The place of doing that which we have been called for in life that fills us with enthusiasm, which eventually gives us a sense of euphoria and confidence. A hindrance to this that most of us have succumbed to is our discouragement in childhood which has piled up layers of predisposition, fear and guilt in pursuant of our destinies as years elapse. Nonetheless, the fact that we have life is an implication that not all is gone, we can avert or disinter that which has confined our minds to impede our progress. As we seek to align ourselves to the will of God for in whom we get our sense of living and existence we have to remember that, ‘’as warriors of light we must be prepared to have patience in difficult times and to know that the universe is conspiring for in our favour even though we may not understand how’’, Paulo Coelho.
Let us all arise and shine to illuminate the world in the various spheres of life for which we have been gifted because ultimately we will be held accountable.’