The CUK Alumni Association

The CUK Alumni Association
Dr Charles Wambu – Dean SCCD
(Bachelor of Co-operative Business, Bachelor of Co-operative and Community Development, Bachelor of Science in Disaster Risk Management and Sustainable Development, Bachelor of Community Development, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management and Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Technology which have been approved by the Commission of University Education . The programmes prepares students for a career in cooperative sectors, agricultural value chains, community development, rural transformation programmes, Non-governmental organizations, government line ministries, research institutions, private sector and career advancement
Launch of Alumni Association Constitution Is Unveiled in 2013
Measurable Goals that reflect the standards set by Cooperative University and the fraternity at large. In its Mission to mobilize all Alumni, CUK encourages well-wishers to support the welfare and progress of the University and also to participate in enhancing and improvement of intellectual and the material well-being of the University. Fostering close friendship and professional relations between the Alumni, Association and the The Co-operative University of Kenya is also another strong point.
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