VC Commends Fresh Cuk Students.


The Ag. Vice Chancellor of The Co-operative University of Kenya ”CUK” has commended fresh students admitted at the University for various Diploma and certificate programs by the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Services. Addressing the students during the final day of their orientation on Friday 16th February 2018, the Vice Chancellor called on students to make use of the university’s resources and conducive learning environment to shape their careers and academic life. He reiterated the commitment of the University to ensure success in their in their academics, “We endeavor to shape your academic life and your careers moving forward.

CUK New Students
CUK New Students

In an address delivered on his behalf by the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs, Prof. Emily Akuno, the Vice Chancellor appealed to students to conduct themselves maturely noting that Universities are centers of Academic Excellence meant to build an all-round student, “As freshmen and women joining this University, you are well aware that Universities are centers of academic excellence. Our Vision Statement is very clear; we strive to be a Leading Global University in Training, Research and Innovation for Co-operative Development.”
The Vice Chancellor reminded the fresh students that CUK has a good reputation among employers due to the high quality of graduates churned out. Prof. Ngamau asserted that no efforts will be spared by the University to ensure quality remains the hallmark of its training at all levels. The students were called upon to remain highly disciplined and maintain high standards of morality, “I call upon you to be your own moral prefects. Note that your life is yours alone; keep off from drugs. Be responsible citizens”.
This batch of students joins the other self-sponsored degree and diploma students for the University’s January 2018 intake students at the University. Various officers and students leaders of the University were present during the address main campus, Karen.

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