May 2014

Third Regional Co-operative Value Chain Symposium

The Agri and Co-operative Training and Consultancy Services (ATC), the Corporate arm of the Co-operative University College of Kenya (CUCK) in collaboration with the Directorate of Co-operative Development and Marketing in the State Department of Industrialization and Enterprise Development (MoIED), Co-operative Bank of Kenya and Co-operative Insurance Group, have scheduled to hold the Third Regional

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Premier Training by CUCK/ATC

The Co-operative University College of Kenya (CUCK) through its corporate arm Agri and Co-operative Training and Consultancy services (ATC) Limited in collaboration with SACCO Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA), MicroSave and the Financial Sector Deepening (FSD Kenya) have developed premier courses in, individual lending including delinquency management and risk management to address core capacity gaps identified

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Graduation Day

The Co-operative University College of Kenya wishes to congratulate the 341 graduands who will be awarded diplomas and certificates on 6th December 2013. the Chief guest will be by Prof. Geoffrey Moriaso Ole Maloiy, MBS, EBS Chancellor Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

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