May 9, 2018

Speech by PS State Department of Co-operatives Ministry of Industry,Trade and Co-operatives

SPEECH BY MR. ALI NOOR ISMAIL, THE PRINCIPAL SECRETARY, STATE DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATIVES, MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY, TRADE AND CO-OPERATIVES ON THE OCCASION OF OPENING OF THE 2ND ANNUAL CONFERENCE FOR THE CO-OPERATIVE UNIVERSITY OF KENYA, HELD ON MONDAY, 26TH MARCH 2018 AT 09:00AM AT THE CO-OPERATIVE RETREAT & CONFERENCE CENTRE, KAREN. The Chairperson of the University Council, Dr. Ibrahim M. AliMembers of the University CouncilThe Acting Vice-Chancellor, The Co-operative University of Kenya, Prof. Kamau NgamauThe Deputy Vice-Chancellors & Members of the University Management Boards and Senates present,CEOs of NACCOs, Co-operatives Societies and other organizationsThe Co-operative University of Kenya Staff and StudentsInvited GuestsColleagues,Members of Staff and students;Ladies and Gentlemen, It gives me great pleasure to join you this morning on the occasion of the opening of the 2nd Annual Conference for The Co-operative University of Kenya, 26th – 27th March, 2018. I take this opportunity to thank the Co-operative University of Kenya for organizing this conference at this prime time of the year.Ladies and Gentlemen,This year’s conference under the theme “Innovations for Sustainable Co-operative Development” is in line with the International and National’s development plans to revive and make the Co-operative sector profitable and sustainable for livelihoods. Therefore this conference serves as a forum for interdisciplinary interactions among academia, researchers, Policy makers, Government and business leaders to exchange ideas with a view to finding suitable solutions to some of the challenges facing the not only the co-operative sector but also the society, private and public organizations. Ladies and Gentlemen.Looking into the highlights of the Big-Four Agenda of the Kenyan government strategic delivery in the next five years, the president of the republic of Kenya H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta is keen on Food Security, Affordable Housing, Manufacturing, and Universal Healthcare for accelerated social-economic transformation, increased job creation and improved job quality of life for all Kenyans. This agenda is akin to the objectives of the State Department of Co-operatives, including building of affordable housing, food security sustained through improved value-addition on products and increased job creation through promotion of youth and women Co-operatives in the rural setups.Fellow co-operators and Academia,As you are aware, the need for increase in capacity and equal opportunity in Higher Education in Kenya today cannot be overemphasized. Access, equity, quality and relevance are fundamental characteristics that define and drive education, training and research systems worldwide. Over the years, the Kenyan Government, through the relevant Ministries, including my Department, has vigorously expanded access to quality Co-operative Education, training and research, which also offers equal opportunity to all, thereby ensuring equity and entrepreneurship. In the same spirit, Ladies and Gentlemen, Recently, State department of Co-operatives, enacted a national Co-operative Policy (2017) which clearly provides a clear roadmap for education, training and research in the sector. The policy recognizes research, collaborations and partnership as key vehicle to a collective success for sustainable development.These efforts are geared towards the realization of the government’s Big-Four Agenda and Kenya’s Vision 2030, which aims at transforming the country into a newly industrializing, middle-income country providing a high quality life to all its citizens. Ladies and Gentlemen,The Kenya’s Strategy is implemented through the execution of a series of projects and policy documents drawing from the National Vision, in some of which the Co-operative movement is expected to play a key role, particularly for the low and middle income households.The State Department for Cooperatives, integrated in the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Co-operatives of the current Government of Kenya, is keen to giving singular focus to the following activities:⦁ Constantly review legal and regulatory framework to entrench good corporate governance and best Cooperative business management practices.⦁ Harmonize and improve the quality of cooperative education and training programmes.⦁ Develop an efficient marketing system through product improvements, value-addition and market research.⦁ Restructure and strengthen the management of cooperative institutions and organizations.⦁ Promote new cooperative ventures in disadvantaged areas.⦁ Incorporate ICT into the sector’s operations among other policy interventions.In this regard, therefore, our Universities and particularly the Co-operative University of Kenya must constantly seek to provide a globally competitive quality Cooperative education, training and research for sustainable development. The overall goal is for producing relevant entrepreneurs, innovators and researchers to meet the ever-increasing demand in Cooperative development both locally and regionally.My Department and the co-operative university of Kenya are close associates working under a memorandum of understanding and we endeavour to work closely to strengthen partnerships for partnership in Co-operative sector development and associated development agenda. Ladies and Gentlemen.To the up-coming researchers and innovators, Kenya has space for job creators, entrepreneurs and innovators, which I know you are well equipped to the task ahead. Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to have the pleasure to declare this 2nd Annual Conference of the co-operative university of Kenya officially opened.

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Varsity’s Cultural Week

VARSITY’S CULTURAL WEEK KICKS OFF WITH POMP AND COLOR. The 2018 Co-operative University of Kenya’s Cultural Week celebrations has kicked off on a high note with the University’s Ag. Vice Chancellor Prof. Kamau Ngamau officially opening the ceremony on 12th March, 2018. In his address to the University Staff and Students at the Main Campus in Karen, the Vice Chancellor called upon them to embrace positive cultural behaviors, love, appreciate, share and respect their cultures as well as other people’s cultures.Stressing on the need for unity among all Kenyans after a divisive electoral period, Prof. Ngamau advised everyone in the University to embrace the theme of the cultural week, ‘Our Diversity, Our Unity’ not only during the week but in their everyday life. He reminded the staff and students that none is born with culture but all are born into a cultural World adding that no culture is superior to the other despite their dynamics, “None of us is born with culture; instead we are born into a cultural world. I call upon all of us to embrace positive aspects of our culture to the end. We have about 44 ethnic groups in Kenya with diverse and different cultures; none of these is superior. Every culture has its dynamics. This makes Kenya beautiful and magical Kenya.” Co-operative Students perform a traditional dance On her part the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs Prof. Emily Akuno reiterated the commitment of the Academic Division to fostering and growing a positive-all-round Academic Culture in the University. She hailed the University students for their commitment in embracing the cultural week as part of the academic Programme for the year 2018. In a speech delivered on her behalf by the Deputy Vice Chancellor Co-operative Development Research and Innovation Prof. Isaac Nyamongo, Prof. Akuno noted that positive behaviors are inherent in all cultures, “All our cultures are strong in morality, ethics, strong friendships and strong family values. I have not seen a culture that entertains moral decadence, drug and substance abuse among others.” The cultural week celebrations are being held at the University’s amphitheater and comes to a halt on Friday 16th March 2018. Various performances are lined up for the week with students and staff set to showcase their cultural dresses, dishes, dances among other artefacts. The cultural week celebrations at CUK this year is sponsored by the University’s Management Board, The Students’ Governing Council, Kenya Films Classification Board, the Sian Roses, K-Unity Sacco, the Karen ward MCA Hon. David Mberia, and the Smart Applications International.

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Remarks of the VC on Opening Cultural Week

REMARKS OF THE VICE CHANCELLOR OF THE CO-OPERATIVE UNIVERSITY OF KENYA PROF. KAMAU NGAMAU ON THE OCCASION OF THE OPENING OF THE CUK’S CULTURAL WEEK ON 12TH MARCH, 2018 AT 2.00PM Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic affairs, Prof. Emily AkunoDeputy vice Chancellor, Finance, Planning and Administration, Prof. Esther MagiriDeputy Vice Chancellor CDR&I, Prof. Isaac NyamongoMembers of the University Management Board,Members of staffStudents’ leadersStudentsLadies and gentlemen, This afternoon marks the start of a week-long celebrations of our culture as the family of The Co-operative University of Kenya. Culture is an important aspect of our lives. I am happy to note the improved version of our cultural celebrations at the University; previously, we have celebrated our culture in a day and this has been quite inadequate. It is our sincere hope that we will celebrate in a civilized manner to the end. Ladies and gentlemen,The University Management is committed to making greater efforts in future to make these celebrations bigger and better. By having a week-long event, this shows the value we are placing these celebrations in our academic calendar. I know the planers of the event have made significant efforts to make this day a success. I take this opportunity to recognize their efforts. Ladies and Gentlemen,This year’s theme of our cultural day is ‘Our Diversity, Our Unity’ the theme is well chosen to rhyme with the activities lined up for the week. Furthermore, this comes barely some few months after a divisive electoral period for our Nation. The nation is healing and we are getting stronger together. Ladies and Gentlemen,Allow me at this moment to recognize various stakeholders who have supported this event by a way of sponsorship. Kenya Films Classification Board, K-unity Sacco, Smart Applications, the Karen ward MCA Hon. Mberia, The Students’ Governing Council and the Sian roses; We are truly indebted to you. Ladies and Gentlemen,It has been argued that culture is the dress of life and the beauty of our identity as human beings. However, most of the time, culture as a concept is misunderstood and misused by humanity especially among the African societies; I appeal to you as the society’s elite to provide guidance on the benefits of our diverse cultures in our society. Our dear students,None of us is born with culture; instead we are born in a cultural world. I call upon all of us to embrace positive aspects of our culture to the end. We have about 44 ethnic groups in Kenya with diverse and different cultures; none of these is superior. Every culture has its dynamics. This makes Kenya beautiful and magical Kenya. Aspects of our culture including our foods, our languages, music, our natural heritages, historical facts and stories, our day-today economic activities define who we are. Ladies and gentlemen, these facets of our culture both tangible and intangible are the cornerstone of our nation building; we use them to reconstruct and soothe the soul of our Nation. Vice Chancellor at the start of CUK Cultural week Ladies and gentlemen,Culture can also be used to deconstruct a nation and societies. No community’s culture is superior to the other. When our forefathers initiated our practices, they had ideas and reasons why. I wish to encourage all of us to use the lessons of our culture to live in harmony with one another. Ladies and gentlemen,As I conclude, let’s go back to the basic of our culture. All of our cultures are strong in morality, strong behaviors, strong friendships and strong family values. I have not seen a culture that entertains moral decadence, drug and substance abuse among others. Ladies and gentlemen, with those few remarks, I declare this cultural week officially open. God Bless you all.

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Prof. Emily Akuno Speech on Opening of Cultural Week

SPEECH OF THE DEPUTY VICE CHANCELLOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS, CUK  OF THE CO-OPERATIVE UNIVERSITY OF KENYA PROF. EMILY AKUNO ON THE OCCASION OF THE OPENING OF CULTURAL WEEK ON 12TH MARCH, 2018 AT 2.00PM  The Ag. Vice Chancellor of the CUK, Prof Kamau NgamauAg. Deputy vice chancellor Finance, Planning and Administration Prof. Esther MagiriMembers of the University Management Board,Members of staffStudents’ leadersStudentsLadies and gentlemen, Let me start by thanking the planners of this event for the great start that they have given us; this is the first time for the University to have an elaborate cultural week celebrations. I trust the one week we have invested in this week goes into fruitful use. My office is taking this event seriously as part of the academic calendar every year. This is because we do not come to university to read books only. I wish to thank the University Management Board through the office of the Vice Chancellor for allowing the event and providing financial support. Our Vice Chancellor,I am delighted by the efforts that the planning committee have put in to make this event a success. The chairperson Monica Nderitu and your team, we say thank you. I am delighted to join you as we celebrate our cultural day as the CUK family. Ladies and gentlemen,We started small as a University College by having these celebrations taking one day. Today, we have moved to one week. My office will closely work with the University’s Management Board for continuous improvement in future. I encourage the organizers of this event to make much a bigger strides next time and ensure we are bolder, bigger and better. Feel free to always knock on our doors for more ideas and do not fear to dream big for the betterment of this university. The management will not spare any effort in pushing the agenda of a cultural week in future to earmark and celebrate our heritage as a University. Ladies and gentlemen,Allow me to also in a special way to thank the sponsors of this event; we are grateful to Kenya Film Classification Board, K-Unity Sacco, Smart Applications, Sian Roses, The Students’ Governing Council, The Karen Ward MCA Hon. David Mberia and the University Management Board for sparing your resources to support this event. We will knock on your doors in future for more support in such ventures. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am hopeful that this cultural event educates each one of us to love and appreciate our diverse culture. Let cultures make us stronger; as the theme suggests, ‘Our Diversity, Our Unity’. I call upon you all as students to accommodate each other’s cultural diversity and in it we get positive energy for our unity and oneness. Our Vice Chancellor,As I conclude, let me once again call upon each one of us to go back to the basics of our culture. All our cultures are strong in morality, ethics, strong friendships and strong family values. I have not seen a culture that entertains moral decadence, drug and substance abuse among others. Ladies and gentlemen, with those few remarks, allow me to welcome our Vice Chancellor Prof. Kamau Ngamau to officially make his remarks and open our cultural week celebrations. God Bless you all.

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Contribution of Cuk to Kenya’s Vision 2030

CEO EQUITY BANK UPBEAT ON CONTRIBUTION OF CUK TO KENYA’S VISION 2030 The CEO Equity Bank of Kenya has underscored the key contribution of The Co-operative University of Kenya in attainment of the Kenya’s vision 2030. Dr. James Mwangi, while delivering a keynote lecture at The Co-operative University of Kenya’s Main Campus in Karen on Friday 9th March, 2018 on ‘Keys to Successful Entrepreneurship’ valued the strategic position of the University’s role in shaping the gigantic Kenya’s Co-operative movement which he termed as one of the best in the globe.Dr. Mwangi noted that poverty remains a key challenge in Africa that needed a turnaround strategic solution. He noted that Africa’s entrepreneurial spirit must be reawakened by its 60% of the World’s natural resources sitting on the continent. He challenged Universities to take up practical theories to providing solutions to problems facing Africa.Speaking during the same event, the University’s Council Chairperson Dr. Ibrahim Ali reiterated the commitment of the University Council in implementing its mandate towards supporting the University’s Management Board for it to realize its mission and vision. Thanking Equity Bank CEO for accepting to deliver a keynote address at CUK, Dr. Ali termed the CEO Equity Bank as a man whose history in the financial books will be read and told hundred fold owing to his revolutionary yet persistence contribution to the banking sector in the world.The University’s Ag. Vice Chancellor Prof. Kamau Ngamau remained optimistic that The Co-operative University of Kenya was on the radar to ensure quality university teaching, training, and research is not compromised. He reiterated the University’s commitment and willingness to work with various stakeholders and key industry partners in training of graduates from the University and preparing them for the future. He added that the co-operative university of Kenya has remained steadfast towards rethinking and having competence based graduates who are job creators and not job seekers. Prof. Ngamau lauded the University’s graduates creating jobs and taking up entrepreneurial ventures around the World while proving tangible solutions to problems facing the continent of Africa especially in tackling poverty.The Friday 9th March, 2018 served as the Open Day for the School of Business and Economics with the school launching its 5-year ambitious Strategic Plan and Service Delivery Charter. The School also held its prize-giving day for the class of 2017. During the same event, the Dean School of Business and Economics Dr. Kennedy Kirima launched book, ‘Entrepreneurship; A Global Perspective’ 2nd Edition. The event was attended by the university both teaching and non- teaching staff, the students and secondary schools from the

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340 Million Lecture Theater Ready for Use

CO-OPERATIVE UNIVERSITY’S KSHS. 340 MILLION LECTURE THEATER READY FOR USE The Ag VC of The Co-operative University of Kenya Prof. Kamau Ngamau (middle) receives Keys for the newly Constructed Lecture Theater from the project Manager and Engineer (2nd left and extreme left respectively). He is accompanied by the CUK’s Registrar Finance, Planning and administration Chris Kathoka (2nd right) and CUK’s finance office Maxwell Nyagah (extreme right) Lecture Theater The construction of The Co-operative University of Kenya’s Kshs. 340 Million-state-of-the-art- lecture theatre of 2,500-seater 3-amphitheaters is ready for use.  Ag. Vice Chancellor Prof. Kamau Ngamau hailed the project terming it a sure bet as the University reasonably grows its students’ numbers and programs offered. Accompanied by members of the University Management Board, Prof. Ngamau noted that The Co-operative University of Kenya was keen on implementing projects meaningful to its future underscoring the fact that the new lecture theatre would serve multiple purposes for the University moving forward.The Vice Chancellor reiterated the commitment of the University Council and Management Board in providing adequate learning facilities to ensure the CUK’s tradition of churning out high quality graduates remained unperturbed. He noted that The Co-operative University of Kenya will not be compelled into compromising the quality of learning, teaching and research among other challenges facing high education in the country.Prof. Ngamau announced that the University will now focus on the Kshs. 3.8 Billion Learning Resource Centre (LRC) project whose initial stages have kicked off successfully. The management board members who accompanied the Vice Chancellor included the CUK’s Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor for Finance, Planning, And Administration Prof. Esther Magiri, The Registrar for Finance Planning and Administration Chris Kathoka and the University’s Finance Officer Mr. Maxwell Nyagah. This project was fully funded by the Government of Kenya.

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CEO Set to Address Varsity on Entrepreneurship

EQUITY BANK CEO SET TO ADDRESS VARSITY ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP The Chief Executive Officer of the Equity Bank Dr. James Mwangi, is this year’s chief guest and keynote speaker during open day for the School of Business and Economics at the Co-operative University of Kenya’s main campus, Karen on 9th March, 2018 at 9.00am at the New Lecture Theatre, (Ground Floor).We are pleased therefore to invite the entire University community to attend. During the event, the SBE will launch its 5-Year Strategic Plan, conduct its Prize Giving Day and a book re-launch authored by Dr. Kennedy Kirima, the Dean School of Business and Economics at CUK. The title of the book is Entrepreneurship; A Global Perspective. Dr. Mwangi’s Keynote address will be on Key to Successful Entrepreneurship With Co-operative regards

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Kenya’s Education CS Appoints Prof. Gicheru as a Varsity Dvc

CS APPOINTS PROF. GICHERU AS A VARSITY DVC Prof. Esther Gicheru has been appointed the Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Finance, Planning and Administration at The Co-operative University of Kenya. Prior to this appointment by the Cabinet Secretary for Education Ambassador Dr. Amina Mohamed, Esther Gicheru served as the Director, Institute of Co-operative Development and an Associate Professor in Cooperative Management and Organization Development at the Co-operative University of Kenya. She is a doctorate degree holder in Organization Development and Transformation with over forty one years of scholarly and administrative experience in the Co-operative sector. Prof. Gicheru attended the University of Nairobi where she studied Agriculture.  She furthered her studies in Co-operative Management and Organization Development at Leicester University (Master of Arts (M.A.) In Co-operative Management and Organization Development), United Kingdom and wrote her doctorate from Cebu Doctors’ University, The Philippines.  She holds a Diploma in Counseling Psychology of Tangaza University College. Her career started in 1976 as a Co-operative Officer in Kenya’s Ministry of Co-operative Development and Marketing where she served in various capacities before moving to The Co-operative College of Kenya as its Principal in 1988 under the Ministry of Co-operative Development and Marketing, rose to Director of The Co-operative College of Kenya when it became a Semi-Autonomous Government Agency.  She was, in August 2012 appointed as acting Principal of The Co-operative University College of Kenya following its much celebrated elevation to a constituent college of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. As an educationist, and to her credit, she has directed many research activities alone and with colleague researchers.  She has coordinated successful implementation of many training programs both nationally and internationally.  Her research work spans co-operative management, co-operative policy, gender issues in co-operatives and incorporation of co-operative training in higher education curricula.  She is highly regarded and respected as a co-operative researcher and strategic thinker. Prof. Gicheru in recognition of her contribution to the co-operative movement worldwide received the most respected international award, The Rochadale Pioneers’ Award (RPA) in 2007. In addition she was also recognized for her remarkable contribution to the Co-operative Movement in Kenya and was granted the presidential award of Head of State Commendations (HSC) IN 2008. The co-operative movement in Kenya further gave her an additional recognition in the same year. In the year 2016, Prof. Gicheru received another presidential award, Order of Grand Warrior of Kenya (OGW). Prof. Gicheru takes over from Prof. Esther Magiri who served in the capacity of the Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor for Finance, Planning and Administration from March, 2017

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Talks on Coop Law and Policy

PROF. DR.  HAGEN HENRY OF HELSINKI FINLAND TALKS BIG ON COOP LAW AND POLICY Dr. Hagen H e n r ÿ an adjunct professor of comparative law at the University of Helsinki (Finland) and Research director at the Ruralia Institute of that university and the Chairman of the International Cooperative Alliance Co-operative Law Committee and Ex-ILO Director of Coop-Africa Program on Thursday 7th June, 2018 delivered a public lecture at The Co-operative University of Kenya, Karen on his maiden visit to Kenya. The lecture was attended by the university teaching, non-teaching staff, students and members of the general public. Prof. Hagen, in his 2-hour lecture concisely spoke on ‘The Promotion of Co-operatives through Law and Policy’.  He noted that a renewed interest in cooperative enterprises (as defined internationally by the 2002 International Labour Organization Recommendation No. 193 concerning the promotion of cooperatives, Paragraph 2) and, a renewed interest in the policy/law nexus related to the development of enterprises were two core issues worldwide that can catapult cooperatives’’ growth in the face a globalization. He observed that as of recently, cooperative enterprises have been put on the agenda of national governments, regional and international governmental and non-governmental organisations. He emphasized that Academia, too, is renewing its interest in the subject. Prof. Hagen emphasized that Globalization was quickly redefining the state and the labour market partners in such a way that they are not able anymore to organize democratic participation as that mechanism through which social justice regenerates which is the central aspect of sustainable development. He affirmed that Cooperative enterprises where democratic participation permeates all organisational and operational aspects are therefore necessary in two respects: they provide for the social justice regenerating democratic participation and they add to the vital diversity of enterprise types. Prof. Hagen is published widely (in addition to well over 100 articles 2 books and 5 book editions) on cooperative development questions, land law, comparative law and cooperative law and has been a frequent (some 200) contributor to seminars and conferences in many countries over many years. He is member of several scientific associations and of editorial boards of scientific journals. He has taught cooperative law and policy, amongst others at the International Training Center of the International Labour Organization in Turin (2004-2010), at the Helsinki University Summer School (2014, 2015, 2017 and 2018) and in the Cooperative Network Studies Program (CNS-Program) of ten Finnish universities (since 2012), as well as Cooperative values and principles in the CNS-Program (since 2012) and Comparative law at the University of Helsinki (since 2006). Henrÿ worked at the Universities of Geneva and Saarbrücken for 6 years and as legal advisor to the German Federal Minister of Economy for 8 years. Since 1994 he has consulted on cooperative policy and legislation in/for some 65 countries for governmental, as well as non-governmental, national, regional and international organizations. Before joining the Ruralia Institute of the University of Helsinki as Research director in 2011, he was Chief of the Cooperative Branch of the International Labour Office from 2007 to early 2011.

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Varsity Gets Vice Chancellor

VARSITY GETS VICE CHANCELLOR , The Vice Chancellor of The Co-operative university of Kenya, Prof. Kamau Ngamau . The Cabinet Secretary for Education Ambassador Dr. Amina Mohamed has appointed Prof. Kamau Ngamau as the Vice Chancellor of The Co-operative university of Kenya. Prof. Ngamau has served as the Ag. Vice Chancellor of The Co-operative University of Kenya since March 2017. Before this appointment by the University Council, Prof. Ngamau served as the Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs at The Co-operative University of Kenya, having served as the Deputy Principal Academic Affairs of the former CUCK. He is a Professor of Horticulture at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. He served in various capacities at JKUAT rising through the ranks from an Assistant Lecturer in 1993, to Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor in 2013. Administratively, Professor Ngamau has held the positions of Chair of Horticulture Department, Dean Faculty of Agriculture and Director Board of Postgraduate Studies at JKUAT among other responsibilities which he performed with distinction. He has numerous publications in internationally refereed journals, supervised many Undergraduate, Masters and PhD students successfully. He is recognized research scientist and consultant in Horticulture. He has further attended and presented seminar papers in various Local and International workshops and Conferences on cross cutting issues in Higher Education and in his area of expertise. Prof. Ngamau, an alumnus of Nairobi School, is a holder of Doctor of Philosophy in Horticultural Sciences of the University of Hanover, Germany, a Master of Science degree in Horticulture and a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture of the University of Nairobi, Kenya. He holds a second Master degree in Organizational Development from USIU, Kenya.

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