Professional Courses

Professional Courses
  1. Certified Co-operative Professional (CCOP)
  2. Certified Procurement and Supply Professional of Kenya (CPSP-K) & Associate in Procurement and Supply of Kenya (APS-K)
  3. Certified Secretaries (CS), Certified Public Accountant (CPA) & Certified Investment & Financial Analysts (CIFA), Accounting Technician Diploma (ATD)
  4. Diploma and Associate Diploma in Banking & Financial Services

Mode of study

In-Person learning (Day, Evening, Weekends)

Online and Blended Learning

Intake Dates: January and July


Certified Co-operative Professional (Ccop)


  1. Brief introduction about the course

The CCOP qualification is offered by the Kenya Society of Professional Co-operators (KSPC) through a partnership with KASNEB. Under the partnership, documented through a Memorandum of Understanding, KSPC develops the syllabus and the CCOP examination whereas KASNEB makes arrangements for the administration, marking and processing of the examination. The CCOP examination is structured in three modules, with each module featuring two sections, making a total of six sections. The Co-operative University of Kenya is accredited by KSPC to train the students and then the students will be externally examined.

Registration requirements

A person seeking to be registered as a student for the CCOP examination must show evidence of being a holder of either one of the following minimum qualifications:

  1. Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination with an aggregate average of at least grade C+ (C Plus);
  2. Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE) with at least TWO Principal passes provided that the applicant has credits in Mathematics and English at Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE) level;
  3. KASNEB Diploma or higher qualification;
  4. KNEC diploma qualification;
  5. Degree from a recognized university;
  6. Such other equivalent qualifications may be approved by KSPC.

Persons recommended to pursue this course

  • Those who intend to work in the Co-operative sector from different backgrounds
  • Those with Bachelor of Co-operative Business/ Bachelor of Co-operatives and Community Development/Post-graduate Diploma in Co-operative/Master of Co-operative Management and would like to be certified as professionals
  • Those practicing in the co- operative sector with no relevant qualifications

 Course Structure  (List of Modules)


 Section 1

  • Paper No.1 Co-operative philosophy and management
  • Paper No. 2 Co-operative Accounting
  • Paper No. 3 Business communication
  • Paper No.4 Computer application for Cooperatives

Section 2

  • Paper No. 5 Co-operative law and legislation
  • Paper No. 6 Management mathematics (Quantitative Techniques)
  • Paper No. 7 Co-operative Banking & Practice
  • Paper No. 8 Co-operative Education,Training and Information


          Section 3

  • Paper No. 9 Taxation for Co-operatives
  • Paper No. 10 Entrepreneurship for Cooperatives
  • Paper No. 11 Co-operative Banking & Practice

            Section 4

  • Paper No. 12 Co-operative Management Information System
  • Paper No. 13 Marketing for Co-operatives
  • Paper No. 14 Co-operative Finance and Investments


             Section 5

  • Paper No. 15 Strategic management for Cooperatives
  • Paper No. 16 Corporate governance and Ethics
  • Paper No. 17 Risk management for Cooperatives

             Section 6

  • Paper No. 18 Financial Reporting for cooperatives
  • Paper No. 19 Co-operative Auditing and Investigation
  • Paper No. 20 Co-operatives and Environment
Fees structure (Cost per section/unit)
Module/section No of units Fees per unit Kshs
Module I, section 1&2 (per section). No of units per section 4             5,000
Module 2, section 1&2 (per section) No of units per section 3             5,500
Module 2, section 1&2 (per section Module 2, section 1&2 (per section              6,000

Other charges


Operational Charges


  • i) Registration fees KES 1,000        (Once)
  • ii) ID charges KES 500                     (Once)
  • iii) Library fees KES 500                  (Per Section)


Internet and computer       KES 1,500

Total                                              KES 3, 500


Exemptions and how to apply

  • Students will be granted exemptions in those papers in which they demonstrate sufficient coverage of course content in their respective qualifications. For this purpose, an applicant may be required to submit the institutional catalogue detailing the course content for a specific paper under consideration.
  • Applicants for exemptions should complete the official Application for Exemption Form (also available for download on the KSPC website and attach the required documents specified in the form, including certified copies of academic and professional certificates and transcripts. Students awaiting graduation should attach certified copies of transcripts and a letter from the university confirming that the student has completed the course for which exemption is being sought.
  • Students who have done the following programmes Bachelor of Co-operative Business/ Bachelor of Co-operatives and Community Development/Post-graduate Diploma in Co-operative/Master of Co-operative Management will be exempted 16

Examination Fee Structure:

  • Registration fees 4,000
  • Annual Registration Renewal Fee 1,000
  • Registration Re-activation Fee 2,000
  • Student Card replacement fee 500
Professional Examination Fee (CCOP)
Module I: Section 1: KES 5,500 Section 2: KES 5,500 Total: KES 11,000 Single Paper: KES 3,000
Module II: Section 3: KES 7,500 Section 4: KES 7,500 Total: KES 15,000 Single Paper: KEs 4,200
Module III: Section 5: KES 9,500 Section 6: KES 9,500 Total: KES 19,000 Single Paper: KES 5,400


Module I:        KES 3,900       Per Paper

Module II:       KES 5,200       Per Paper

Module III :    KES 6,600       Per Paper

Intake dates and Mode of Study

Intake dates: January and July

Mode of study;

In Person learning:     Day, Evening, Weekends

Online and Blended Learning

Certified Procurement and Supply Professional of Kenya (Cpsp-K)

Brief introduction about the course

The course is designed to equip trainees with knowledge, practical skills and attitudes that will enable them to perform duties as a buyer, supply chain manager, supervisor and or director in an organisation. The Co-operative University of Kenya will train students but they will be externally examined by KISM in partnership with KASNEB.

Entry Requirements

Degree with at least 480 credits in relevant subject areas; or

Equivalent prior learning experience and/or a qualification in relevant subject area; or

600 credits after KNQA Level 2, APS-K with 3 years’ relevant work experience.

Persons recommended to pursue this course

  • i) Students intending to pursue career in procurement
  • ii) Practitioners who may wish to gain theoretical knowledge in procurement
  • iii) Those who have done other professional course
  • Course structure 

Part I

  • understanding Organizational Environment (Exemptible)
  • procurement of Goods, Services and Works
  • Procurement Planning
  • Asset Management and Managerial Accounting (Exemptible)
  • Category Management (Exemptible)
  • Supply Chain Management for SMEs (Exemptible)

Part II

  • Supply Chain Management Information Systems
  • Finance in Supply Chain Management (Exemptible)
  • Suitable Supply Chain Management
  • Operational Management in Practice (Exemptible)
  • Project and Contract Management
  • Supply Chain Audit Risk Management

Part III

  •  Strategic Supply Chain Management
  • Leadership and Governance in Supply Chain
  • Global Logistics Management
  • Research in Supply Chain Management
  • Consultancy in Supply Chain Management
  • Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
  • Industry-based Learning

 Fees structure (Cost per unit)

Certified Procurement and Supply Professional of Kenya (CPSP-K)

 Parts  No of units Fees per unit KES

Part I,II,III  

Total no of units  19                5,000


Operational Charges


  •  Registration fees KES 1,000        (Once)
  • ID charges KES 500            (Once)
  • Library fees KES 500            (Per Section)


Internet and computer       KES 1,500

Total                                              KES 3, 500



  • Exemptions will be granted on paper by paper basis
  • The maximum number of units to be exempted is 5 units
  • The fees paid per unit for exemption Part I is KES 3,750 and Part II is KES 5,250. No exemption for Part III

                  Examination fees

Normal registration

    1. CPSP Part I Examination (per paper)           –             KES 5,500
    2. CPSP Part II Examination (per paper)          –             KES 2,500
    3. CPSP Part III  Examination (per paper)       –             KES 4,000

 Intake dates and Mode of Study

Intake dates: January and July

Mode of study;

In Person learning:    Day, Evening, Weekends

Online and Blended Learning


  1. Brief introduction

The Co-operative University of Kenya has been accredited by KASNEB to train students in the various courses. The students will be taught by the university faculty members and then externally examined.

  1. Course structure

The course units will be accessed through KASNEB website;

  1. Fees structure (fees per section/unit)
    CS, CPA & CIFA No of Units Fees per unit KES
 CAMS I & II (Per Level) No of units per Level 4 5,000
 ATD LEVEL I, II & II (Per Level) No of units per level 4 5,000
 CPA/CS/C.I.F.A ; Part I

Section I & II (Per Section)

No of units per section 3 5,000
CPA/CS/C.I.F.A;  Part II

Section III & IV (Per Section)

No of units per section 3 6,000

Section V & VI (Per Section)

No of units per section 3 7,500


Operational Charges


  •  Registration fees KES 1,000        (Once)
  • ID charges KES 500            (Once)
  • Library fees KES 500            (Per Section)


Internet and computer       KES 1,500

Total                                              KES 3, 500


  1. Exemptions/application for registration for examination can be accessed through KASNEB website.
  2. Intake dates and Mode of Study

Intake dates: January and July

Mode of study;

In Person learning:               Day, Evening, Weekends

Online and Blended Learning

 Diploma and Associate Diploma in Banking & Financial Services
  1. Brief introduction about the course

The Kenya Institute of Bankers (KIB) offers two professional Diploma courses in Banking that are Diploma in Banking and Financial Systems (DBFS) and Advanced Diploma (AKIB). The programme will be taught at The Co-operative University of Kenya (CUK) but externally examined by the Kenya Institute of Bankers.


  1. Persons recommended to pursue this course
  • Those who intend to work in the banking industry
  • Those practicing in the banking
  • Those working in the banking industry having studied different area from banking
  • Those with other professional certificates
  1. Registration requirements

Diploma in Banking and Financial Systems (DBFS)

Mean grade of C Plain with C Palin in English & Mathematics or any Business subject; or

Division II in O levels with credits in English & Mathematics; or

One principal pass in English & Mathematics for A level; or

Others, who have a minimum of C Plain without the required subject passes, may enrol for bridging course (by KNEC) in order to attain Credit Pass in the subject they do not qualify for.


Associateship Diploma in Banking & Financial Systems (AKIB)

Holders of KIB Diploma; or

Holders of First Degree; or

CPA Part II.

  1. Course structure
  1. Diploma in Banking & Financial Services (DBFS)

               Level I

  1. Elements of Banking
  2. Business Communication
  3. Economics
  4. Business Calculations

Level II

  1. Introduction to Law Relating to Banking & Finance
  2. Accounting
  3. Marketing & Customer Service
  4. Foreign Exchange & International Trade Finance
  5. Associateship (Advanced Diploma) in Banking & Financial Services (AKIB)

To qualify for the award of the Associateship, one is examined in a total of nine subjects of which seven (7) are compulsory core subjects and any two (2) optional. Core subjects are offered twice every year (May & October) while the options are offered only once every year as per the Examination Registration form.

Core Subjects

  1. Financial Reporting Analysis and Planning
  2. The Monetary and Financial System
  3. Management and Organization
  4. Law & Practice Relating to Banking and Finance
  5. Strategic Marketing Management
  6. Lending
  7. International Trade Finance


  1. Insurance
  2. Investment
  3. Financial Management
  4. Law and Practice for Mortgage Lenders
  5. Management of Information Technology
  1. Fees structure (Cost per Level/Unit)
Level No of units Fees per unit Kshs
Diploma (DBFS)

Level I & II

No of units per section 4             5,000
Associateship Diploma (AKIB)

Level I, II & III

No of units per section 3              7,000

Operational Charges

  1. i) Registration fees KES 1,000        (Once)
  2. ii) ID charges KES 500            (Once)
  • iii) Library fees KES 500            (Per Section)

Internet and computer       KES 1,500

Total                                              KES 3, 500

  1. Exemptions and how to apply
  1. Diploma in Banking & Financial Services (DBFS)

Exemptions will only be considered for registered members. Exemption fee is KES 3,000 per subject plus a basic non-refundable fee of KES 2,000.

Candidates who have also attempted and passed the Banking Certificate Examination (CIB) will be eligible for exemption in equivalent subjects.

  1. Associate Diploma (AKIB)

All other candidates with professional qualifications and wish to seek exemptions in various subjects should apply for exemption in the appropriate form and attach the exemption fee, copies of relevant certificates and syllabuses for review by the examinations board.

Exemptions should be made on the appropriate forms accompanied by the fees of KES 5,000 per subject and basic non-refundable fee of KES 2,000. Syllabuses and certified copies of relevant certificates should also be attached for review by the examination board.

Students who are in their third year pursuing Bachelor of Science in Finance can start an Associate diploma.

For more information visit Kenya Institute of Bankers ;  E-mail: /  WEB:

  1. Examination Fee Structure
  1. Diploma in Banking & Financial Systems (DBFS)
  • Membership fees of KES 3,000
  • Examination fees per subject KES 3,000
    1. Associate Diploma in Banking & Financial Systems (AKIB)
  • Examination fees per subject KES 5, 000
  • Membership fees KES 3,000


  1. Intake dates and Mode of Study

Intake dates: January and July

Mode of study;

In Person learning:     Day, Evening, Weekends

Online and Blended Learning

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