Public Information Page

Caj Guidelines

The Co-operative university of Kenya (CUK) being a state institution endeavors to meet Government requirements and comply with standards set of by Government Agencies and written laws. In this regard, CUK commits  to the Commission on Administrative Justice (CAJ) guidelines and further to implement the Access to Information Act 2016 to better our service delivery.

The University has appointed Access to Information Officers as provided for in the Access to Information Act, 2016 to perform such duties as guided in the said Act. These officers are:

Mr. Victor James Njogu, – Main Campus –

Ms. Elizabeth Kache Ngumbao – Nairobi CBD Campus –

The following officers constitute the Complaints Handling and Resolution Committee of The Co-operative University of Kenya as per the 2019/2020 Commission on Administrative Justice (CAJ) guidelines

Mr. Chris Kathoka
Finance, Planning & Administration
Dr. Lucinda Mugaa
Dean of Students
Ms. Elizabeth Kache Ngumbao
Nairobi CBD Campus
Mr. Nelson Lwiki
HoD Central Services
Dr. Michael Ngala
Director IODeL
Mr. Victor James Njogu
Corporate Communication & Marketing
Member/ Secretariat
Complaints Management and Access to Information Infrastructure Financial Year 2020/2021
Complaints and Complements Register

Compliments/Complaints Register



Online Complement/complaint Register
Complaints and Complements Register - Suggestion Boxes
Reporting Framework on Resolution of Public Complaints Indicator and Access to Information
Strategic Plan 2022-2027-Full Length Version
Abridged Version - Strategic Plan 2022-2027
The Co-operative University Organo Chart
Approved 2013-2017 Cuk Cba Rates
Leadership and Integrity Act
Leadership and Integrity Act Regulations
Access to Information Act
Bribery Act
Kenya Anti Corruption Economic Crimes Act
Mkataba Wa Utoaji Huduma - Audio
Quality Policy Statement
Service Delivery Charter
Gender Policy

Gender Mainstreaming Policy

Staff Code of Conduct and Ethics
Public Officer Ethics
Reporting Framework on Resolution of Public Complaints Indicator and Access to Information
Access to Information Request Form
National Values and Principles of Governance

University bank accounts

All payments to the institution are payable to the Co-operative Bank of Kenya and Equity Bank Kenya
Co-operative Bank –Account No.01129062663600 (Karen Branch). The University does not accept cash payments
Equity Bank of Kenya-Account Number 1250277107862(Karen Supreme branch)
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