The University Council

The University Management is a body established by the Trustees to govern the University and assist in promoting its educational aims.

The University Council
Dr. Jeremy Bundi PhD.

Council Chairperson

Dr. Chris K. Kiptoo, CBS.

Principal Secretary, The National Treasury

Dr. Beatrice Muganda Inyangala PhD.

Principal Secretary, the State Department for Higher Education and Research, Ministry of Education

Patrick Kiburi Kilemi

Principal Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Co-operatives and Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Development, State Department for Cooperatives

Mr. Christopher Ombati

Council Member

Ms. Peris Onsarigo

Council Member

CPA Peter Wanjohi Kiama

Commissioner of Co-operatives –Alternate Council Member and Representative PS State of Department of Co-operatives

Ms Susan Wanjiku Karuri

Alternate Council Member and Representative PS National Treasury

John W. Kihara

Council Member

Prof. Kamau Ngamau PhD, EBS

Council Secretary-Vice Chancellor

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